Multiple cylinders are mixed up when I try to union them

Hello, I’m trying to union a fence that has multiple parts and all of them are cylinders. But the game is laggy and I want to reduce the performance to I decided to union them and then I saw that the cylinders are mixed up.

Here’s a screenshot:

If this is a bug, please tell me.

I’m assuming Roblox has a built-in poly limit for unions - not just meshes. If you union an object with too many polygons or union a very, very large object, Roblox studio will instead simplify the polygons. Pretty sure it isn’t a bug, however this could need confirmation on if this is intentional behavior or not. I suggest turning these parts into meshes, or not attempting to union so many parts at once.

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How can I turn those parts in meshes? :smiley:

Select all the parts you want to export. Right click on them, and click ‘Export Selection.’ Save the mesh to a location you can quickly access. Once you’ve done that, add a MeshPart Instance into your workspace (press the plus button). In the MeshPart’s properties, click on the folder icon next to ‘MeshID’ and select the file that you made before. In this case, do not resize your mesh if promoted.

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Thank you so much, I can finally know how to convert parts into meshes, thank you so much.

You’re welcome! You can also use this method to prevent part lag in your games.

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Oh no, I’ve received an error:

I’m pretty sure that’s not the correct amount of cylinders I have on my fence, they’re less than that, what do I do now? :frowning:

Select a lesser amount of cylinders to export. You’re going to need to split these parts up into more than one MeshPart.

Oh, okay, I will try doing this, thank you!