[Multiple High Paying Jobs]

Hi! I am an owner of the upcoming developing group ‘ForestlyGames’. We have several jobs at which range from low paying to high paying.


  1. We are looking for a long-term builder
  2. You MUST be skilled at using blender or any other 3D Modeling platform
  3. You must be available to work at least 1-2 hrs a day
  4. You must have your portfolio ready when PMing us
  5. You must have at least 7 months of experience, unless you have become extremely skilled in under 7 months

Our Conditions

  1. There will be a 40% cut penalty if you decide to leave the job early
  2. We pay per task, and only make down payments with credible people
  3. Our budget is just that, A BUDGET, it is NOT a guaranteed payment

The Group

Job Option 1TAKEN [Jobs are listed from least paying to most paying]

Quick Tag is a Mini Game that requires several little maps and assets to be made. This is a quick and easy job and is you’re best option if you are looking for a quick buck!

Game’s Budget: R$20,000
Skill Level Require from 1-10: 3 or 4

Job Option 2 TAKEN

We are trying to replicate a famous game called ‘Undertale’ We would prefer a builder familiar with this game as well as familiar with blender. We currently need the following areas for the game:

Skill Level Require from 1-10: 6-7

The Ruins [completed]
Snowdin [Incomplete]
Waterfalls [completed]
Hotlands [Not started]
Core [Not started]
The capital [Not started]

If there are any buildings in the map, you will be required to design exterior and interior parts of the map.The interior part of buildings will be a room hidden away from the map that players will teleport to when they touch the entrance.

If you need assistance, the pay will be split evenly OR will be determined by how much work is done
Total Budget: R$50,000
[RPG]Undertale V2 Multiverse Slots:1/1

Job Option 3 TAKEN

We are making a town based game. We need furniture and individual buildings to be made.
More information will be provided in PMs

Total Budget: R$80,000
Available Slots: 1/1
Skill Level Require from 1-10: 6-7

Contact Me

You can contact me on discord here: :sushi:Lover#9233

You must be 15 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading!


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