[multiple jobs for multiple developers]

Hey, I am Loddy2403 Co-Founder of ForestlyGames. We always have job openings for projects and we pay very well for the amount of work that is needed! The Job listings I am currently providing to you guys are listed below. More details will be provided on contact.

The Group


We would prefer a scripter that is: Fast and reliable, flexible with free time, familiar with tycoon games, animations,

Overall Requirements

  • 1+ years of experience scripting on Roblox.
  • Active (Minimum 1-2 Hours Daily)
  • Good Communication via Discord.

For Scripters:

  • Knowledge of code formatting and standard legibility.
  • Knowledge of and ability to use advanced coding such as: Tweens, CFrame, Datastore, ModuleScripts, Placement Systems, Pathfinding, etc.
  • The ability to create UI and work with UX.
  • Experience working with animators, 3D modelers, and other developers of varying specialties.

For Builders:

  • Must Be Organized
  • Must use Blender
  • Must have 1-2 or more years of experience

Jobs Available

Tycoon Game EP [SFX] Slots: 0/1
Tycoon Game EP [GFX] Slots: 0/1
Tycoon Game EP [VFX] Slots: 0/1
Tycoon Game EP [Particles/Trails Designer] Slots: 0/1
Tycoon Game EP [Animator] Slots: 0/1

Custom Game CG [Scripter]:Slots: 0/1
Custom Game CG [VFX]: Slots: 0/1
Custom Game CG [GFX]: Slots: 0/1
Custom Game CG [SFX Position]: Slots: 0/1
Custom Game CG [Particles/Trails Designer] Slots: 0/1
Custom Game CG [Animator] Slots: 0/1

Custom Game QT#2 [GFX Position]: Slots: 0/1
Custom Game QT#2 [SFX Position]: Slots: 0/1
Custom Game QT#2 [Particles/Trails Designer] Slots: 0/1

Undertale: [SFX Position]: 0/1
Undertale: [GFX Position]: 0/1
Undertale: [VFX Position]: 0/1
Undertale: [Animator Position]: 0/1
Undertale [Particles/Trails Designer] Slots: 0/1

Contact Us

Join the discord server below and make a ticket inside of β€œhiring info” to be considered! This is to reduce our inboxes.

If you are unable to join, PM me through dev forums or add me Loddy2403#9233

You must be 15 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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