My script works fine, that is until multiple people use it at the same time while debounce is true, I believe that’s the case.
So, basically what happens is if multiple people try to use one of the machines, it can break and no longer accept any other cup.
Note, coffeMachineVisualizer is a function that makes you wait 3 seconds + Heartbeat before debounce is false.
How can I make it work consistently?
Edit: why isn’t anyone helping me
for _, v in pairs(coffeeFolder:GetDescendants()) do
if v.Name == "Hitbox" then
if not debounce and hitPart.Parent:IsA('Tool') then
debounce = true
if hitPart.Parent.Name == "Cup" then
hitPart.Parent.Name = v.Parent.Name..' Coffee'
coffeeMachineVisualizer(v, hitPart)
visualEffects(hitPart.Parent, v)
elseif hitPart.Parent.Name == "Hot Milk" then
if v.Parent.Name == "Espresso" then
hitPart.Parent.Name = "Cappuccino"
elseif v.Parent.Name == "Regular" then
hitPart.Parent.Name = "Frappuccino"
coffeeMachineVisualizer(v, hitPart)
visualEffects(hitPart.Parent, v)
debounce = false
Just as you mentioned its most likely due to the fact that you have 1 debounce that every machine uses and each machine is setting it to true/false at different intervals, etc. You should have your debounce within the loop right after if v.Name == "Hitbox" then.
That would basically give each machine its “own” debounce. Hopefully that solves the issue!
I have multiple singular touch functions in the same script such as this, would I have to make different variable debounces? like global debounces at the top of the script?
if not debounce and hitPart.Parent:IsA('Tool') then
if hitPart.Parent.Name == "Cup" then
debounce = true
hitPart.Parent.Name = "Milk"
visualEffects(hitPart.Parent, cookingObjectFolder.Milk.Hitbox)
debounce = false
Is that the full script and are you looping through it and connecting the touch events?
If not than it should be fine. I also suggest giving your debounces specific names. Such as CupDebounce for your cup to milk machine, etc. That way you don’t end up having two separate touch connections altering the same debounce.