Hey, so I’ve looked this up multiple times on the internet, and I tried what 3DBlenderEnthusiast explained and it did not change anything with the error.
I modeled these the other week or so, I can’t remember.
Here’s the rig layout that I have currently for it
Is there anyway to fix this and or what may be causing this? This has happened multiple times before in the past, and I’ve not figured out what I’m doing wrong still. Any help is very highly appreciated, if any.
I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this also
I had to.
“Anatatowatashi. Kyō wa kono tomodachi o owara semasu.”
Translated: “You, and me. We end this today friend.”
If you’re making the objects connect to the original body parts, then you should make the body parts connect to the objects.
This error is caused when multiple Instances are connected to the same part.
For example, if I had the torso connected to the Right Arm and another Instance in the body was also connected to the Right Arm, the error would occur.
However, if I connected the Right Arm to the other Instance, the error would not occur.
Sorry if I am not explaining this well.
If this doesn’t help you, show me each motor6d and what they are connected to.
This may not be the cause though, I am not that educated in animation or rigging.
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That seems to make a lot more sense than what I was trying to do with my model, but the only thing I’m wondering is would I get the Rig Error if I happened to connect for example: Right Arm to the Torso, then the Lower Arm piece to the Right Arm (or) Torso to Right Arm then connect it to the Lower Right Arm. (And so on…)
Maybe I’m looking at this wrong but what would be considered the “Other Instance”, like the Lower arm? Or something else like the Torso or Hand for example ( The part being connected by joint )
Am I thinking about this right or?..
I just realized that in an R15 model, the RightUpperArm has a Motor6D which Part0 is the UpperTorso, and Part1 is the RightUpperArm. In an R15 model, the torso is only connected to the lower torso.
So, in an R15 model, the RightUpperArm is connected to the UpperTorso, the left lower arm is connected to the RightUpperArm, and the RightHand is connected to the RightLowerArm. That’s what I mean by “connected to”.
What I mean by, “Other Instance” is an object not originally part of the body.
Show me your explorer for each rig and what each motor6d is connected to and I might be able to give a better explanation.
Puppet/Mime Rig Explorer (1st)
Tyler Fox Rig Explorer (2nd)
(Sorry if there are multiples I had to take a lot of screenshots for the second one)
I think these are all my moter6d joints and welds inside the models. I have multiple models I’m thinking of rigging and am currently stuck on these. (Essentially I haven’t really gotten to rig any other ones beside the Mime and second)
Mime: Headpiece PalmL Torsopiece PalmR FOx: HeadPiece TorsoJoint White Head HumanoidRootPart
All the listed Motor6D’s above are repeated. To avoid this, connect the listed items to the items that need to be connected to.
If this doesn’t work, send me the files of the rigs.
This is as far as I’ve gotten with the Mime rig, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong and I’m so frustrated at this point. I’ll try to send a file that has the “rigs” in it. (and or the original file)
But I mean if you can point out what I’m doing wrong and help me figure it out so I can actually get my projects or any other rigging I want to do done, that’d be great.
Again, Thanks for actually helping me out, this has actually helped with most of the problems that I was having.
Read if you want
Also your welcome if you want to join in on projects, I mean I don’t know you, but if you’d want to collaborate on something feel free to ask or message me if you want. I’m always open for help.
not like this even help with anything but still