I am trying to script this so that everytime I click on the ui button it switches to a different camera view. Currently it goes from “Sky Cam” to “Sky Cam 1”, but I would like to add additional Sky Cam cameras for it to cycle through before returning back to “Sky Cam” which is the default view. What do I need to add to the script to accomplish this please:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local camera = game.workspace.CurrentCamera
local button = script.Parent
local looking = false
local endCFrame = game.workspace.Skyview.CFrame
local debouncetime = 0.5
local active = false
if active then return end active = true
looking = not looking
if looking then
script.Parent.Text = "Sky Cam 1"
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
camera.CFrame = endCFrame
script.Parent.Text = "Sky Cam"
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
active = false
I’m not the strongest in scripting… I will edit my script to try this and post my result.
Edit: will this be the case if I want to click every time I want a different camera? when i said cycle i didn’t mean automatically, i meant with every click it should change to the next camera.
Mhm, that would be the same thing. I am saying to create a number variable which will go up by 1 every time you click, as well as switch the camera. If you want it to cycle and move back to the first camera, you can place an if statement, so for example if the last camera in the cycle is 6, then if the cycle is at 6, it sets the cycle to 1, otherwise it will go up one.
have every camera with the same name but a number next to it (cam1, cam2, etc…) and then, everytime the button is clicked, a variable goes up by one, and then your camera becomes “cam”…variable
This is what i have so far and it works well, but the only issue is i have to click twice on the button for it to move to the next camera, what am i missing:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local camera = game.workspace.CurrentCamera
local button = script.Parent
local looking = false
local endCFrame1 = game.Workspace.Skyview1.CFrame
local endCFrame2 = game.Workspace.Skyview2.CFrame
local debouncetime = 0.5
local active = false
local variable = 1
if active then return end active = true
looking = not looking
if looking then
if variable == 1 then
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
camera.CFrame = endCFrame1
button.Text = "Sky Cam 1"
variable += 1
elseif variable == 2 then
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
camera.CFrame = endCFrame2
button.Text = "Sky Cam 2"
variable += 1
elseif variable == 3 then
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
button.Text = "Sky Cam"
variable = 1
active = false
local Player = game:GetService("Players")["LocalPlayer"];
local Camera = workspace["CurrentCamera"];
local Button = script["Parent"];
local Looking, Active = false, false
local DebounceCooldown, Index = 0.5, 1
if Active then return end; Active = true;
Active = true; Looking = not Looking
if Looking then
Camera["CameraType"] = Enum["CameraType"]["Scriptable"];
Camera["CFrame"] = workspace["Skyview" .. Index]["CFrame"];
Button["Text"] = "Skycam " .. Index
Index = Index + 1; wait(DebounceCooldown);
end; Active = false
Let me know how this works. I instead of defining a variable manually, set it to go to part with the variable at the end. (ig: Skyview1, Skyview2, Skyview3, etc). Each time the button is clicked, it should go up another index, then should (hopefully) change Camera CFrames
So this script does what mine did, which is it goes to the next camera but after the initial pressing of the ui button it takes two clicks like mine did, and then when it gets to the third camera it gives an error that there is no Sky View 3 because i don’t have a Sky View 3…
I have 3 cameras, the default one which i spawn in on which is the Enum.CameraType.Custom and the button is labeled Sky Cam on this one. On the same button I have it change from that Sky Cam to Sky Cam 1 (part “Skyview1”) and Sky Cam 2 (part “Skyview2”).
local Player = game:GetService("Players")["LocalPlayer"];
local Camera = workspace["CurrentCamera"];
local Button = script["Parent"];
local Looking, Active = false, false
local DebounceCooldown, Index = 0.5, 0
if Active then return end; Active = true;
Active = true; Looking = not Looking
if Looking then
Camera["CameraType"] = Enum["CameraType"]["Scriptable"];
if Index == 0 then
Camera["CFrame"] = workspace["Skyview"]["CFrame"];
Button["Text"] = "Skycam"
Camera["CFrame"] = workspace["Skyview" .. Index]["CFrame"];
Button["Text"] = "Skycam " .. Index
Index = Index + 1; wait(DebounceCooldown);
end; Active = false
I added a check to see if it’s on the first camera (Skyview).
I would suggest making a folder of these parts, and instead, name it the number order of the camera you would like.
With this, you are able to iterate through the children, and check if you reached the final index or not, the have it loop back.
Same issue… i have to click twice to get through each camera, and when i get to Sky Cam 2 and i click twice i get an error that Sky View 3 doesnt exist.
Keep in mind i dont have a Sky View 1 … the initial camera is the default camera view… i only have two other camera views, Skyview1 and Skyview2… but on the button i have three labels-- Sky Cam, Sky Cam 1, Sky Cam 2… the Sky Cam is just the default camera (not the scriptable ones).
Oh. I didn’t know that part. Let’s try this instead…
local Player = game:GetService("Players")["LocalPlayer"];
local Camera = workspace["CurrentCamera"];
local Button = script["Parent"];
local Looking, Active = false, false
local DebounceCooldown, Index, MaxClicks = 0.5, 1, 2
if Active then return end; Active = true;
Active = true; Looking = not Looking
if Looking then
if Index ~= MaxClicks then
Camera["CameraType"] = Enum["CameraType"]["Scriptable"];
Camera["CFrame"] = workspace["Skyview" .. Index]["CFrame"];
Button["Text"] = "Skycam " .. Index
Index = Index + 1; wait(DebounceCooldown);
else Index = 1
end; Active = false
Ok I was able to fix my first script to work by removing the looking variable, it was going through a second set of variable to move forward each time.
The final script that worked is this:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local camera = game.workspace.CurrentCamera
local button = script.Parent
local endCFrame1 = game.Workspace.Skyview1.CFrame
local endCFrame2 = game.Workspace.Skyview2.CFrame
local debouncetime = 0.5
local active = false
local variable = 1
if active then return end active = true
if variable == 1 then
variable = 2
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
camera.CFrame = endCFrame1
button.Text = "Sky Cam 1"
elseif variable == 2 then
variable = 3
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
camera.CFrame = endCFrame2
button.Text = "Sky Cam 2"
elseif variable == 3 then
variable =1
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
button.Text = "Sky Cam"
active = false