Multiple objects in animation scripting question

Hi dear developers! Today I got a simple yet quite rare question about animation scripting.

To put you in context I participated in making the following animation with the Moon Animation plugin:

I then exported the animation to Roblox, and it should be good. The thing is that I also animated other objects different than the standard body parts and I was wondering if that puts some problems while trying to play the animation in the game (ex: to make it appear as a cutscene introduction or something.)

If your answer is: “You can’t display the animation for all the objects used on the animation apart from the R15 body.”, what other options to display the animation have I left? I thought trying to lerp the CFrames, size, transparency, and rotation for each object would be an option, but wouldn’t it slow down the performance of the clients? Another option would be to use the Tweening service with the same parameters, but I also have some doubts about it being inefficient as the quantity of Tweening animations would be immense.

If this is the case I’d appreciate if you gave me a way to achieve my goal which is to remake (if needed) the animation and play it but in a way that is scripted and is the least inefficient.

If your answer is instead: “Indeed you can display the animation with the animated objects”, how can I display it, then? Since I’m new to animation scripting, I don’t ask you to make a script because I don’t want you to waste your time (If doing so wastes your time) but to give me the resources or a guide about how to make it work with this specific and special case.

Thank you for reading and have a nice one! :wave: :smiley: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: