[Multiple Questions] Gun Issues

Hey developers,

Today I’m trying to well, make a gun that is half decent to use. (Most things I make a more so to improve my knowledge, so if you see me posting about completely different things that is why :slightly_smiling_face:) The current code I have is probably horrible to look at and things, but it does sort of work… heh.

The issues I’m facing here:

  • Gun Lag / The “Bullets” are very laggy / do not react the same when switching from client to server testing. (Client fires the bullet instantly, Server takes a bit)
  • The bullets are firing at rapid rates in which I do not know how to control… (First time I click, it fires one bullet, second 2, third 3, and so on…)

I’m using the code on raycasting on the wiki provided here.

Heres a gif of both problems occuring (note when I fired the gun, it took around 0.05 seconds or so to respond which is big difference than instantly, aswell as lagging behind my mouse which is a big nono.):

Heres my Client-Sided code:

local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()

local isFiring = false
local cooldown = false
local damage = 3
local headshotMultiplier = 1.75
local function buttonDwn()
	isFiring = true
	while wait(.1) do
		if isFiring == true then

	isFiring = false

And my Server-Sided code:

local event = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("fireGun")
local damage = 3
local headshotMultiplier = 1.75
event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, mouse)
		local endPos = mouse.p
		local startPos = player.Character.Head.CFrame.p

		local CF = CFrame.new(startPos,endPos)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(math.random(-1,1)),math.rad(math.random(-1,1)),0)

		local DirVec = CF.LookVector
		local ray = Ray.new(player.Character.Head.CFrame.p, (DirVec).unit * 999)
		local part, position = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray, player.Character, false, true)
		local beam = Instance.new("Part", workspace)
		beam.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("New Yeller")
		beam.FormFactor = "Custom"
		beam.Material = "Neon"
		beam.Transparency = 0.6
		beam.Anchored = true
		beam.Locked = true
		beam.CanCollide = false
		local distance = (player.Character.Head.CFrame.p - position).magnitude
		beam.Size = Vector3.new(0.3, 0.3, distance)
		beam.CFrame = CFrame.new(player.Character.Head.CFrame.p, position) * CFrame.new(0, 0, -distance / 2)
		game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(beam, 0.05)
		if part then
			local humanoid = part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
			if not humanoid then
				humanoid = part.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
 			if part.Name == 'Head' and humanoid then
				humanoid:TakeDamage(damage * headshotMultiplier)
			if humanoid then
			if part.Name == 'Handle' and part.Parent:IsA('Hat') or part.Parent:IsA('Accessory') and humanoid then
				humanoid:TakeDamage(damage * headshotMultiplier)

Thank you!! :slight_smile:

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First of all, please don’t do while wait(.1) do. This is very inefficient and can be confusing. Instead do while isFiring do and put the wait within the while loop. To fix your duplication problem, I’d create a time stamp to make sure that the last click was is in the current while loop’s scope.

local last = 0

local function buttonDown()
    last = tick()
    local current = last
    while isFiring and current == last do --Check if last equals the current tick. If not, it's a different time
        --fire the bullet

Also, you could just connect the function instead of creating a new function. :slight_smile:


Thanks, this solves my second question, though my first one is still behind a bit. Ty! :slight_smile:

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Sadly, It’s really due to the delay sending a event over the server. You can’t really fix replication, but you can make the bullet on the client and only have hit lag.


Ah yes, sorry about that! Server lag to my knowledge can’t really be improved. You seem to be doing everything correctly by firing a remote event and the server responding, but I don’t believe that there’s much of a way to solve server lag as the latency between the server and clients can vary and delay.


@Faultsified @REALTimothy0812 Ah, thank you both! I figured it was this way and I rather the client see the “true-ness” of their shot so I’ll keep it at that. Thank you both! :slight_smile: