Multiple rotated GUIs don't immediately scale properly

Bug Description: Rescaling multiple UIObjects layered on top of eachother with rotations offset by 180 degrees doesn’t scale each object immediately as it should - if the size of the objects are not multiples of 2, it seems to lag behind as it is scaled. This happens while scaling with UDim2 as well as using a UIScale object.

Bug Details: Always occurs with UI objects whose Rotation properties are offset 180 degrees. EX:
0, 180
-1, 179
and so on.


Two squares with the back square’s rotation offset by 180 degrees:


bugrepro.rbxl (14.5 KB)

Additional Information: Not sure when it started, as I just now encountered it.

This is probably a bug with rounding of subpixel values, I’ll be looking into this soon hopefully.