Multiple server processes in Roblox Studio Test mode

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to test code that requires multiple servers without publishing changes to the live game.

I can provide different use case scenarios:

  • Probably the most common: TeleportService. We’re currently unable to test code that uses TeleportService without publishing changes to the live game and cluttering the versions history.
  • MessagingService: We can’t test cross-server messaging in studio and again we have to publish changes to the live game.
  • More niche but still valid, multi-server code that interacts with an external API that we’re developing through HttpService: We’re currently unable to test external APIs with multiple servers not even by publishing changes to the live game because localhost can’t be reached from there.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because testing cross-server code would be much easier. Right now for the 3rd use case listed above we have to push our API code to a remote server which is unfeasible.


I would like to add that it is insanely difficult to debug cross-server messaging using http, datamodels, or the messaging service, as the only way to do so is to run a studio instance and then run an instance of the live game in order to communicate between them, or to have two instances of the server running from studio on two machines, i.e. two game developers testing the game in studio at the same time