Multiple Values in one Value

Is it possible to give a StringValue multiple values. E.g you can use a script to add another name to a value. So it makes the value: PlayerName,PlayerName1??

If so what’s the best way of doing this?

You can concatenate multiple strings separated by a character, like “/“ and then split the string at the “/“ character.

Edit: Use string.split(“Your/String/Here”,”/“) and it will return a table with each individual string. My example would return {“Your”,”String”,”Here”} and you can access each as you would with a normal table.

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Okay, so I have a text label that I want to display a value. But the value needs to have 3 usernames in it. Any idea how to do that?

You want it to display three separate usernames in one textLabel stacked vertically? If so I think if you enable rich text you can format it so it forms on a new line.

See: Rich Text Markup | Roblox Creator Documentation

If that doesn’t work you can always just make three different textLabels.