Multiplier doesnt change if a pet levels up

So every pet got a multiplier and if they level up the multiplier adds up in the pet. And i got a Gui that shows every pet multiplier that are equipped.

The Multiplier from the pet:

Multiplier from every pet equipped:

The pet leveled up and the multiplier changed in the pet:

But the label doesnt change if the pet leveled up its still the same:

It Should be x1.7 and not x1.6 in the pet equipped label.

Thats the add up script:

if Folder.Equipped.Value == false then 
				Player.PetEffect.Multi.Value += Folder.Multiplier1.Value  --Your Multi + Pet Multi
					if Player.PetEffect.Multi.Value < 0 then
						Player.PetEffect.Multi.Value = 1

im a bad scripter so dont expect this to be good, but when i want something to update i do while true do task.wait(0.25)

still not working, its probably something with changed function or GetPropertyChangedSignal but i dont know how to use that

Can you show more of the script? There isn’t much to go on from what you have posted. Also, if you have a 0.6x multiplier, it’ll lower your money, not increase it.

function ActionRequest(Player, Action, Parameters)
	if Action == "Equip" then
		local Folder = GetFolderFromPetID(Player, Parameters.PetID)
		if Folder ~= nil then
			if Folder.Equipped.Value == false then
				Player.PetEffect.Multi.Value += Folder.Multiplier1.Value    --Your Multi + Pet Multi
					if Player.PetEffect.Multi.Value < 0 then
						Player.PetEffect.Multi.Value = 1
				local TotalEquipped = 0
				for i,v in pairs(Player.Pets:GetChildren()) do
					if v.Equipped.Value == true then
						TotalEquipped = TotalEquipped + 1	
				if TotalEquipped < Player.Data.MaxEquip.Value then
					Folder.Equipped.Value = true
					return "Success"
					Player.PetEffect.Multi.Value -= Folder.Multiplier1.Value     --Your Multi + Pet Multi
						if Player.PetEffect.Multi.Value < 0 then
							Player.PetEffect.Multi.Value = 1
					return "Error", v1:NotifyPlayer(Player, "Cant't Equip more Pets")

				return "Error", v1:NotifyPlayer(Player, "Pet already Equipped")
			return "Error", v1:NotifyPlayer(Player, "Invalid Pet")

it adds up the multiplier.
x0.6 +x1(your standard multiplier) = x1.6

Okay, but where are you changing your TextLabel?

while true do wait()
	script.Parent.Text = tonumber(string.format("%." .. (1) .. "f", game.Players.LocalPlayer.PetEffect.Multi.Value))	

Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems like your first script might be a server script and your script changing the text is a LocalScript, which could explain the problem, if this isn’t the case, and you have a proper way of communicating between the server and client, can you show how?

i didnt even script the part where it should change the value. Thats why i am asking how to do it. I think it doesnt even matter if its local script bc its just showing the text to the local player.

Excuse me, but I am extremely confused right now. Your title says, “Multiplier doesn’t change”, your post states:

From my eyes it seems like you want to make the label display your multiplier and your pet’s multiplayer.

Why dont u use the Changed or GetPropertyChangedSignal events on the textlabels?

I want that the currently pet multiplier adds to the currently equipped multiplier. If the pet multiplier is currently x0.6 and when i equip the pet, the equip multiplier is also x0.6. Thats fine.
But when the pet levels up as it is equipped his multiplier increases, but my currently equipped multiplier isnst increasing.

i tried, and it didnt work unfortunately

You don’t make much sense. Is the multiplier for the player increasing on the server but not showing up in the textlable or just not changing at all?

Theres nothing to change because i dont got a script. I tried changed and GetPropertyChangedSignal events and it didnt work.

So what even is your issue? You want to know how to make a multiplier change with levels for the pets and don’t have a script? Because that’s not what the thread initially says.

I posted the add up script and not the changed signal script. I just need to know, how can i do a GetPropertyChangedSignal in my script or changed function.

I still don’t get what you are trying to do. You want to do a Change function or a GetPropertyChangedSignal for what value? What are you trying to do when the value changes?

If you’re looking for how to use the functions then just go on the DeveloperHub: Instance.Changed