Murder madness *Feedback*

I need feedback for a murder mystery game what should we add
Features we have:
Battle pass there will be free tier and paid tier
Game modes:juggernaut,boss fight, free for all, hot knife = hot potato if knife lands on you you can pick anyone to kill.

Why should people buy stuff from us?
Most games have lots of stuff that is expensive but from feedback we could lower the game pass like radio 50 robux battle pass 250 robux

Please tell us what we need.
Please tell us your real opinion, tell us what do add.

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a murder mystery game… without an actual murder mystery gamemode?
a few screenshots would also be nice

I think he means that those are going to be some gamemodes of the game, it’s not necessary to add the original gamemode in there.

Could you explain me a bit about what those gamemodes are going to be pls?

Also, i recommend you have a free battle pass tier, and the other paid, have another way to obtain it, which is knowing the rank that they have, or buying it with in-game money, but with a high amount of money.

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No the extra game modes are, Extra fun rounds/custom rounds

you could add free for all with them using weapons against each other?

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I’ll think bout it thanks thought!

Seems like you’re trying to get us to do your research for you. There isn’t a coherent game concept being put forth here nor any work to go off of. It’s difficult to give you feedback when there isn’t a substantial amount of content - or any at all, for that matter - that you’ve provided us with.

You should spend more time at the drawing board fleshing out your game more. Think about some of the key aspects of gameplay you’re looking to hit and what you think will make the game interesting. Do some serious brainstorming and come up with a game concept, then feel free to ask for feedback.

If you need some kind of guiding words to help you develop your concept, you can look up simple game design documents templates and try completing them. Perhaps along the way it’ll inspire you to truly think about what it is you envision your game ending up to be, whether that’s the MVP or your full game when you think it’s been “completed” and anything after is just extra content or maintenance.

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I don’t think he wants a research, he doesn’t needs to explain nothing more, Murder Madness is a murder game like Murder Mystery 2, with some gamemodes and stuff that he have explained, i want to say that he already have explained everything.

There are alot of threads which ask feedbacks about simulators, they doesn’t have any content, well, they have, but they are not unique, if you go to a thread of those, you will see alot of stuff that might convinces you to play that game, but at the moment you play, nothing new. A simulator game doesn’t requires more explained content, so i guess if this is a murder mystery game, he doesn’t needs to explain something else, than everything different from the original game.

Thanks for reading :+1:

I agree with @colbert2677. Aside from a murder mystery game, you have only provided us with three topics: a battle pass and two game modes. Before you ask what we need to add, try thinking of some more game modes and what you think is fun that you can add. The best game ideas are those that come from yourself, not ones provided by others. Good luck with your game! :slightly_smiling_face:

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No one says that when there’s a simulator asking feedback: They are always the same, just with some different stuff, but they are not too much, and with a different theme.

I don’t think you really understand the point behind what I’m saying and what you’ve said to me is basically mute points all over. Its the concept behind what the thread implies, not whether or not someone asks directly for something. Please don’t disagree with feedback for the sake of disagreeing.

OP doesn’t have a substantial amount of content in their thread at all and is asking for what others “need” in the game or what should be added, despite only bringing a grand total of two points to a thread asking for feedback on a game concept. This inclines users interested in replying to do just that in replying with feedback and effectively ending up writing their whole game concept for them when they see there’s a lack of points to actually cover.

A thread that in essence is 6 lines and only says two things worth any actual value is far from an explanation. This thread has an insufficient amount of content to be able to provide any useful feedback. Two points do not constitute a game’s concept and assuming things doesn’t help either. Just because it says a Murder Mystery game, doesn’t mean I should be expected to know what OP is looking for. I could easily not know what those kinds of games are as could others, or what elements of MM that OP is incorporating into their game. Details are needed. Less than a sentence is not an explanation.

Furthermore, I don’t know why you’re bringing other threads into this because they are wholly irrelevant to this, so, don’t do that? Just because another game is a simulator and has the same premise, doesn’t mean the implementation details are the same. Simulators still hold their respective differences and explaining them in a feedback thread helps actually direct feedback based on what they have. Simulator threads also require a sufficient explanation of what they’re about: every thread in this category should.

I don’t know at all why you’re suggesting that two lines is good enough for a game feedback thread or adamant about defending it when it is very clearly lacking. It is in no capacity of the word good enough. It needs more content.

I added new stuff!
So please tell new stuff.