View Update Log (12/05/2023)
[Major Update] Update 12/27/2023
NEW MAP: Complex
A base set on a beautiful tropical island.
This new lobby allows for more clearer navigation around core areas of the map, and also adds a few more activites such as Spleef and Parkour.
Everyone is the murderer, however, you are only allowed to throw your knife, and you are unable to knife ride.
Emotes have been added into the game! Get ready to start emoting after every kill.
Emotes include: Whiffle, Slippery Brick, Goofy, The Luddy, Griddy, Average Fan, PLS DONATE
- Prestige Pair: Given to players on the top 10 of the global leaderboard.
- Raw Star: It’s expired. Given out only by Rawblocky or developers. Also awarded for winning the ad contest
- Code Red: Sparkly. Yes, it’s in the shop now.
- Firework Launcher: That’s a weird way to celebrate.
All of the older maps have received a jolly makeover.
- A new remastered settings menu has been added, allowing for easy access for certain settings and more clearer descriptions
- New settings: Emote on Release (KBM), Tap to Shoot (Mobile), Tap to Throw (Mobile)
- Thrown knives on the client will now register, so say goodbye to seeing knives going through other players
- The height in the 1v1 rooms have been increased
- Changed “Headquarters” 1v1 arena
- Skylands’ terrain is less blocky
- Pressure Warning for the murderer now activates more earlier if the zone is smaller
- Pressure Warning duration decreased for both Murderer & Sheriff
- You will no longer gain shards if you have more than 50,000 Shards, to keep the economy balanced
- Zones have been altered, allowing for more moving zones
- You will now spawn more closer to the center of the map when redeploying
- Changed lighting on all maps
- Invisible walls have been removed from most maps
- Fixed issue where you will sometimes not teleport to the map after winning the 1v1 / before the game starts
- Fixed “Toilet Paper Gun” playing the wrong equip sound
- Fixed other murderer kills counting towards sheriff kills for nuke runs
Update 12/05/2023
- Fixed issue where players cannot be traded to when they had the “Only Allow Trading While In-Game” setting turned on; This is fixed in new servers
- Reverted knife riding change where your knife would be not collidable for a couple of seconds - This should make it easier to knife ride and make it more consistent
Update 12/03/2023
- Maximum Murders Changed (5 → 4)
- Elimination Time Changed (70s → 60s)
- Warning Duration Changed (40s → 50s)
– The warning will show up more early
- Weapon skins load in the client now instead of the server
– This should allow for players with higher ping to immediately have their skin show up after equipping as opposed to it being invisible for a split second - Equipping your knife/gun for the first time is no longer delayed
- Fixed an issue where you would slip off your knife constantly
- Fixed issue where knife riding was more ping based (your initial knife throw was a bigger hitbox until your knife throw was registered to the server)
- Fixed issue where knives/guns will disappear randomly (hopefully)
- Fixed equip button being invisible for mobile users
Update 11/29/2023
- Tweaked the game to use UnreliableRemoteEvents on various areas of the game, which should make network usage better.
- Added a cooldown circle whenever equipping / shooting / throwing your weapon, which will indicate how long it’ll take until it will be active again
- Added auto swing for mobile users
All of the changes above can be toggled on and off in settings
- You can now play the unreleased ‘Complex’ map in Private Servers only
- Changed area where your momentum will stop when you fall down in the Skylands map. Previously, your momentum will sometimes stop too early, causing you to die to the void
Update 11/28/2023
Fixed issue with knife/gun shots not registering when you have a high ping
Improved Knife hitreg
Added new Private Server commands for debugging / experimenting
– Any command underc_
will count as a “Cheat” command and will disable XP and Shards -
: Places a bot where you are currently standing
: Kicks all bots / a specified bot
: Makes the bot mimic your movement -
– Revives a specified player -
– Makes a player skydive -
– Turns on and off knife hitboxes
View Credits
@Rawblocky - Scripter, UI, Director
@Molegul - Maps (Lobby, Campsite, Headquarters, Skylands)
@55Epa - Animator
@Asprekt, @AlexandrFrol, @kikosicle, @chaoeticc - Skins Modeler
@RemingtonVA - Sounds
@kirbyzaz - Visual Effects
@AugmentMusic - Music
Translators and Testers can be found in their respective group ranks here