Murder - Server Enforcer Rules

#1 - All normal rules apply. Although you may be a Server Enforcer, you are not excused from breaking the normal rules.

#2 - You are more than welcome to help Administrators complete reports. However, you cannot get in the way of them when they are resolving an issue. If an Administrator requests for you to stop helping them, you must stop. Not stopping may result in various consequences. Server Enforcers are NOT official staff!

#3 - You are only allowed to use harmful commands on yourself. You may only use harmless commands on other players if they have given consent. Don’t use any commands on Administrators.

#4 - Do not teleport other players to you without consent. You are not allowed to teleport other players to places where the player does not belong. For example, you are not allowed to teleport any user to the map when he/she has died ingame.

#5 - You are allowed to go on stage as long as you are not disruptive. Examples of being disruptive include, flying around, playing piano on stage, killing others, doing the hosts job, or commands that would exhibit similar behaviour to those stated. When being Judge, Host, or Performer stay in the areas that you have spawned in. The only reason to be out of the designated area is if you are dealing with a minor situation. (Remember Server Hosts are not Administrators)

#6 - Do not impersonate Administrators, Discord Moderators, Executive Directors, or the Owners. You are a Server Host, which is not part of the staff team in any way. If you impersonate a staff member, you could be banned.

#7 - Do not use the :h, :n, and :m for no reason. Only use them if you absolutely have to make an important announcement. For example, if there are no Hosts or Judges, then you can use the command to notify players that there are players needed for that specific team.

#8 - Don’t ask for more commands or perks for Server Enforcer. Be happy with the commands that you have. The commands that you have are ones that are not easily abused. This is to avoid trollers.

#9 - Please don’t spam commands. There is no need to repeat a command over, and over again.
#10 - If you see another Server Enforcer abusing, then make a mod call with EVIDENCE. Please don’t try to stop them with your commands, it will only get you in trouble.
Be careful when buying this gamepass. If you abuse and get banned no refunds will be given.

Administrators hold the right to ban any server-enforcer for any reason they see fit, it does not have to be a strictly outlined rule here, any issues or questions should be directed towards Staff.

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