Music exploits on Filtering Enabled

For the past twelve hours I’ve been battling sound exploiters on my game, which is FE of course. I’ve got soundscape configured to follow filtering enabled’s rules as well. Yet, I’ve got racist songs playing constantly. It’s getting ridiculous, someone please spare me from this…I need a script or something to counteract this. I’m losing my mind! >:OOO


Does your game have some sort of radio system? Make sure they’re not exploiting that.

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Yeah I think they might be referring to that possibly. Not the ambience itself in the background.


I’ve removed the boombox, and took some countermeasures that might work. I’ll see how this goes, haven’t heard anything else happening recently. phewww

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Yeah, there’s nothing much you can do unless you make yourself a library in which that allows you to use certain audios which you’ve authorised yourself


Yeah, I went to the game and played a bit. It seems to be select individuals and servers with this recurring problem. Removing the boombox is a good step. Unless you knew what songs were specifically playing and their ID, then you could report those and try to have them removed from the library (though they shouldn’t be there in the first place.)

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If you have a radio/music playing system that plays music serverside through a RemoteEvent being fired by the client, they could be abusing this system. Ensure you have sanity checks serverside and if necessary add some sort of security in the RemoteEvent to prevent anyone from firing it whenever they please.


This is an extremely poor idea.

You should never prioritise revenue over the possibility of your game being taken down. Of course, part of the burden of moderation lies on Roblox, but it is also on the game developer to ensure that inappropriate content cannot reach their game if possible.


The best solution I’ve seen to this is creating your own selection of songs which the player can choose from. It’s more work for you, but it’s the best of both worlds.

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Along with the advice of everyone else, make sure that SoundService.RespectFilteringEnabled is assigned to true.


OP said that it was in the OP.

I’ve got soundscape configured to follow filtering enabled’s rules as well.


How are you gonna refund players that have bough boombox?

He’s not entitled to refund players, no developer is. However, it would be morally correct to do so but he has disabled the gamepass for a valid reason and may just be temporary

Yeah, I understand. But lets forget the business and look on the players.

They have bough boombox (most players) to have fun with it.

Some reactions when they see that Boombox is gone could cause hate on the game which would drop the reputation.

Lets not forget the player experience, without them we would not earn.

You could just make the boom box work for whitelisted songs only.

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…And without a game (because Roblox take it down), there won’t be anything for players to play.

Well, this is not games problem. It is ROBLOX’s. They allow those type of audios or their moderation is really bad. I know some really bad sounds got into this platform before and after copyright situation.

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I think you’re taking that point quite inaccurately. Obviously they won’t allow those types of audios but automatic processes with moderation is something which is not easy to implement if you really want to make it “perfect”. If there was manual processes, it would just be time inefficient. I’m sure the moderators are doing their best to stop this issue but its simply out of scope for making it highly reliable

Yeah, I understand and I know they want to fix it but I think that they can not delete the game because of their own issue they are facing.

Yeah, I assume not. But this has to be removed because of the safe guarding issues which revolves around it for younger players.

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