Music for loading screen and main menu

Hello everyone! I made a game with a Loading Screen and main menu. I wanted to add the music when the game starts, and then it will automatically stop when the player presses the play button. I tried to do that but without success…someone know how to do that?

You can put the music to automatically player when the player joins by just setting the Playing property of the music to true, and then in a localscript in the button itself, you could make it so when you click the button, it references the music where you placed it (Ideally in ReplicatedStorage), and just stop it. Since you stopped it locally, it will continue for others who didn’t press play yet. I think that should work

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local button = script.Parent
local music = button.Music


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Okay thanks guys it worked :slight_smile: But is there like a way to add a Fade out to the music? Cause i don’t like when the music stops suddenly

You could make a loop that lowers the volume of the music to 0 before stopping

local music = --Your music

for i = music.Volume, 0, -0.05 do
	music.Volume = i

Is an example of what you could do, there’s also an example using TweenService mentioned here

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So for now I’ve written this script. Where do I have to add the part of script for the fade out?

In your MouseButton1Down event, put

for i = music.Volume, 0, -0.05 do
	music.Volume = i

Above music:Stop()


Ok thank you so much it worked!

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Anytime! if you have anymore issues don’t be afraid to make another post!

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