Music in a roblox game

Hey fellow ROBLOX devs!

I would like to put music in my game, but:

is it illegal/violating the rules of putting music in your game that you didnt create?
Would I get banned or would my game get taken down?

Please help me!


Anything uploaded to Roblox is fair game. Just like free models, audios uploaded to the Roblox website are free to use for all players and developers.


Thx for helping me, but does that mean that ROBLOX buys copyright???

Roblox has no rights over the majority of songs, which is why you see a lot of them removed from the website. Generally, songs on Roblox are allowed as long as the creator of the song doesn’t mind.

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You can hire SFX artists like me to make music for your game and to give you full rights to use it and make money in your game from the music.

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