Hey there, I have a problem where the music plays all at the same time sometimes and I’m not too sure why. It’s very rare but it happens when I join the game. Here’s the code:
local musicFolder = game.ReplicatedStorage.Music
local music = musicFolder:GetChildren()
local currentTrack = game.ReplicatedStorage.CurrentTrack
while true do
local randomTrack = music[math.random(1, #music)]
currentTrack.Value = "..."
currentTrack.Value = currentTrack.Name
Hello, I used your script in a baseplate and try to replicate the issue, but I wasn’t able to. I changed your script up a little bit so try this out and lmk if it works.
local musicFolder = game.Workspace.Music --The music folder (Changed to Workspace so the music would play
local music = musicFolder:GetChildren() -- A table of all the music
local currentTrack = game.ReplicatedStorage.CurrentTrack --Current track (string value
while true do
local randomTrack = music[math.random(1, #music)] --Choosing a random track
currentTrack.Value = "..." --Changing the value to "..."
wait(2) --Waiting 2 seconds
randomTrack:Play() --Playing the randomly chosen sound
currentTrack.Value = randomTrack.Name --Changing the CurrentTrack's value to the RandomTrack's name
randomTrack.Ended:Wait() --Waiting until the sound ended.