Music System Using ROBLOX Notification Systyem

Any ideas how I could adapt the ROBLOX notification GUI thing for when you get a friend request to a music GUI with the song name.


I had this snippet of code from the wiki for putting out notifications to players:

game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
	Title = "Welcome to my testin place!", -- Required. Has to be a string!
	Text = "Do note that not all of the things work. They're in a dev process!", -- Required. Has to be a string!
	Icon = "", -- nothing now, you can add random image
	Duration = 10 -- In seconds

It’s on a LocalScript too.

This isnt really a place for free scripts but you will need to use Modules for audio ids, local scripts for the GUI notification, remote events and server scripts.

But for example.

game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
	Title = "Now playing ""!",
	Text = "  ", 
	Icon = "", 
	Duration = 10