Hi, so I here showcase my admin panel UI. I do not want people to steal my scripts, so hope you understand. Screen picture below.
Honestly, if it’s an admin panel just for admins, you don’t need any fancy UI. But, if that’s what your going for, I recommend using gradients, and images. Also, there’s better fonts you can use other then Gotham and Source Sans.
Here’s a little example of what you could make:
Maybe in future posts you could try using a screenshotting software
I recommend gyazo, or sharex you can even use snipping tool if you prefer, but a nice screenshot helps people see your creation easier.
Nice work overall, i assume it’s unfinished and It’d be nice to see how you progress as you develop your skills and the UI. Perhaps using an “auth key” might be a bit risky as roblox may see it as an input for a password, I do get you put the notice but be weary about that. It would probably be more beneficial to use the users id rather than have them input a key since that’d be more secure and more streamlined for the user.
Thanks for the feedback! I will fix it as soon as possible!
I agree with @QuantixDev. You could try to use a screenshotting software, such as gyazo or something like that.
Also, you could change up the UI a bit, but you dont really need a good one for an admin panel. Like Quantix said, an auth key could be risky.
Quantix my beloved
The auth key can also be risky if you don’t want it to be leaked to others. HUGE vulnerability.
What do you want I use then? I dont see what do I can use other than that.
I think you’re saying what you could use, If you want it to be REALLY modern, you could use :TweenPosition() or :TweenSize().
Otherwise, I’m not really a big UI designer, but that’s all I can think of.
My theme is not really a modern panel.
Looks clean. I would make the UI round, so it looks modern.
Also, if this is an update log shouldn’t it be going under #bulletin-board
If you’re using an admin script, I wouldn’t suggest using a key to gain access to your panel, many 3rd party exploits can easily view scripts inside of a GUI meaning basically any exploit would be able to have full server side admin over your game.
I’d suggest not making the admin viewable to all players via button, but rather have it cloned from serverstroage into the admin’s playergui once they’ve joined.
Or if you’re dead set on having a visible button, I’d highly suggest having scripts inside which hold your key to be very secure, for example, encrypting your script to keep it unreadable but still useable.
Security matters a lot with these sorts of things.
You should probably rename it then.
I agree. You could probably make it only visible and work to a few players, but the auth key isn’t really needed, but could add a bit more security.
The authority key is a good idea, but not the most secure. Anyone could “guess” the key. Maybe try making it only visible to the administrators.
I do not have any ideas of what to add to the panel so I conclude this, you can still do posts but I will not update it anymore. Making a post for ideas soon. Thanks you and best regards, achdef.
Do normal server scripts even work in client places (guis)? Plus, wouldn’t the server not be able to see any changes the client makes? So it wouldn’t even be able to see if the text of the TextBox
is equal to “testKey”. It would just always see the text that is in the gui before anyone types anything or nil.
Also, this whole system for the admin ui is flawed and VERY easily exploitable. Just have the admin ui with the button and stuff in ServerStorage
. ServerStorage will prevent the client from even trying to steal or clone the gui. Comepletely get rid of the whole auth key thing since it is kinda useless. Then, in a server script in ServerScriptService
just do something like this:
if player.UserId = 12345 or 1234 or 54321 then -- change to the userIds.
local gui = game.ServerStorage.AdminGui:Clone()
gui.Parent = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
I agree with @synical4 here.
If this is already in a GUI in StarterGUI
the exploiter could then
- Remove all client AC’s/Sanity Checks
- Manually enable the admin UI and delete the auth panel
- Bam, they are in
Handle this one on the server, and make sure to use ServerStorage
for holding the GUI and you should be good to go.
The auth part is totally fine, and you can add it as one more secure measure, but like I said above you should focus on doing what SpacePuppy said rather than the auth system
Most obfuscators I use don’t scramble strings, but just don’t handling the auth process on the client, there are so many ways for it to be abused and have your whole game be compromised.