[16:23:26.185 - LoadAnimation requires the Humanoid object (Dracolyx.Humanoid) to be a descendant of the game object
local Player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent
local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local Animations = {
[1] = "rbxassetid://4801147006",
[2] = "rbxassetid://4801266090",
[3] = "rbxassetid://4801373074",
[4] = "rbxassetid://4801418919",
local tracks = {
for num,animation in pairs(Animations) do
local anim = Instance.new("Animation")
anim.AnimationId = animation
local track = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim)
tracks[num] = track
Forgot to mention in post 1, but instead of doing that, you can set up a function to handle all of that.
local function loadAnimation(animationId)
local animationInstance = Instance.new("Animation")
animationInstance.AnimationId = animationId
return humanoid:LoadAnimation(animationInstance) -- assumptively you have the humanoid defined.
loadAnimation(1):Play() -- 1 is an example.
This code is untested, but should theoretically work.
The error is a loading issue, I just want to know how to fix this loading error. Apparently the Humanoid has not loaded yet, though it has a WaitForChild slapped on it.
Not adding a timeout to the WaitForChild(name, timeout) will result in a infinite yield warning.
Try adding a time, after so, check if the humanoid exists.
If not, create the humanoid.
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid", 1) -- 1 is the time out, estimated in seconds.
if (humanoid ~= nil) then
-- Do whatever here, i.e load the animations and whatnot.
elseif (humanoid == nil) then
humanoid = Instance.new("Humanoid")
local animator = Instance.new("Animator") -- this is the instance that replicates your animations you load.
humanoid.Parent = character
animator.Parent = humanoid
-- Load animations here.