My anti walkspeed doesn't work

  1. I’ve been working on a script that kicks you when your walkspeed is above the maximum limit

  2. When i click ‘play’, and change my WS, i cant get kicked as there are errors on the first two lines
    11:33:16.385 ServerScriptService.Anti-Exploit.Configuration.ModuleScript:4: attempt to call a nil value - Server - ModuleScript:4
    11:33:16.386 Stack Begin - Studio
    11:33:16.387 Script ‘ServerScriptService.Anti-Exploit.Configuration.ModuleScript’, Line 4 - Studio - ModuleScript:4
    11:33:16.388 Stack End - Studio
    11:33:16.521 Requested module experienced an error while loading - Server - Script:2
    11:33:16.522 Stack Begin - Studio
    11:33:16.523 Script ‘ServerScriptService.Anti-Exploit.Script’, Line 2 - Studio - Script:2
    11:33:16.523 Stack End - Studio
    11:32:52.215 StartProcessException… - Studio
    11:33:07.066 Uploading crash analytics… - Studio
    11:33:07.105 Done uploading crash analytics - Studio
    11:37:43.237 Disconnect from ::ffff:|55690 - Studio


Module Script:

For Starters I dont think you can just straight up say if Humanoid.WalkSpeed > 16 then kick the player on the server because they would be changing it on the client so this wouldnt work in the first place I dont think.

Oh ya, but that is a example not an actual code, im just mad because it broke at the 2 line and 4 line

Also for your Module you would wanna put that in a table not parentheses so

for Example:
config.humanod = {
Anti_WalkSpeed = false;

i didn’t get it. there are no parentheses in the module

if IsHuman.WalkSpeed <= WalkSpeed then

Also as said in your module you are returning the table not actually config.humanoid so instead of making it two different things just do local config = {} to make it simple. Also you want to check if it is equal too or less that so that you can actually check if it is more than.

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For the server script, instead of iterating over the workspace’s children, you should just iterate over each player’s character.

for _,plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
	if plr.Character and plr.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then -- check player has a character and has  ahumanoid
		if plr.WalkSpeed > WalkSpeed then
			plr:Kick("bad boy")
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i’ma do that. im not familiar with for in pairs do

:open_mouth: i got it, i didnt typed ‘=’ on the table ma’ammmm

local module = script.Parent.Configuration.ModuleScript
local getmodule = require(module)

function CheckVariables()
    local t = getmodule.humanoid
    local WalkSpeed = t.Anti_WalkSpeed
    local WS_Value = t.WalkSpeed

	if WalkSpeed == false then return
	elseif WalkSpeed == true then
    	for _,plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
	    	if plr.Character and plr.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then     -- check player has a character and has  ahumanoid
			    if plr.WalkSpeed > WS_Value then
				    plr:Kick("Kicked for irregular WalkSpeed")
		    elseif plr.Character and not plr.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then
			    plr:Kick("Kicked for irregular WalkSpeed")

i got no output, thanks for you guys!