My vehicle, when going above the speed of 25, can barely steer.
Other than that, it doesn’t have any other bugs.
How can I improve the steering?
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Hey, you need to provide more information on how your APC actually works. Perhaps try providing the code for it which handles the steering.
Just a rough guess though, can you try increasing the steer speed? I suppose it uses tracks that are driven individually correct? So, can you try driving one track faster?
I’ll provide the code when I find it.
The APC’s tracks don’t move individually, the APC uses simple AWSD for movement and E and Q for gears.
This doesn’t explain much. Please be more exact on your explanation.
What steering does it use? Tank or shaft?
i do not know what are tank and shaft steering
Tank: spins the wheels in opposite directions to rotate
Shaft: uses a shaft/rod to turn wheels (or servo)