My build looks very boring

So I was developing a simple neighborhood map with a post office for one of my games, and I was thinking: “This just looks very boring!” So, I was wondering if you guys could give me feedback about what to change!


Try adding some depth to it. Make things stick out father than others to give it more detail. Such as, inset the window/doors and extend the roof line outwards. You can also add more shape to it by adding an extension to one of the walls to remove the rectangular shape it has currently.


I think your build needs a bit more detail and some more variety and exaggeration. What I mean by that is the nature for an example that only has a couple trees sprinkled around, add some more grass, add some more variety to the trees as in size, shapes, etc. For the houses, perhaps put a couple windows on the sides of the house, add different types of houses. For the road, add some lanes to the road, maybe even a sidewalk. Just anything to fill in the blank and empty spaces.


Any suggestions for the post office, too?

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The inside seems a bit plain, perhaps it can use some more detail, like compartments or something for mail to go, use post office references to see what you need to add. Again use references to see what you’re missing or might add.

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maybe take this as a reference for the outside or maybe the image below for the inside,


Add some variety to the houses, add a lot more trees, and add lines to the roads.


I think you should change the lighting or add shader plugins and make some trees bigger.


I would strongly recommend to get a real life example of what you’re trying to do. If you’re trying to add depth, and realism the best way to go is getting some real life examples instead of going off of imagination.


My recommendation would definitely be to just add more variety to your build! Right now it looks very static (if that wording makes sense), and I feel your build could benefit from a little variety in set-up. For instance, maybe move some houses around or add different house styles in between. Also, I’d say add a lot more trees and foliage anywhere you have excess space, as it can help keep things from looking plain. Don’t be scared to mess around with some things, just work on making the world less “perfect” in a sense. :slight_smile:


Have some variety and detail in the residential buildings, flora, and give the roads more detail. It doesn’t look that good when the copy pasting is quite obvious and it ends up looking extremely bland because of it

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I have an asset similar to the house you’ve built, and I hope you’ll notice through comparison the small details I added and the improvements these could make to your own.

It’s not much more complicated nor does it compromise the style you’re going for.

In regards to sprucing up the rows of houses, experiment with different shapes as I have here:

Integrating these differences will make it feel more natural. Extra additions like fences, garages, mailboxes and more will also make your town feel more alive.


Everything that might be missing is:

The ground is way to flat and level.
Way too little vegetation.
The houses look copy and pasted which is exactly what has happened and the roads are way to straight. That’s most of what I can see.

I’d advise you to detail the builds quite a bit so it doesn’t look too bland , taking inspirations from pre-existing structures do help a lot and including more variety would definitely enhance the look of the map

I use wedges or cylinders in order to give more shape to square objects such as pillars.
For example you could extrude the yellow faces on the post office out then use cylinders on the corners to create a beveled look


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Avoid using the same figure over and over again. You actually could scale them up or add more materials in order to make the model different from the others. Also look for more references in the internet, it will help a lot especially with house designs, and buildings. Try scaling the area lower, in order to make them close to each other, but not too close, just to avoid the feeling of emptiness. Also avoid doing “box structures” they give a stale and bland feature in places. Try something with a theme, something you’ll like. Do some lighting improvements, and use color correction. It will help a lot!

I recommend looking at low poly images online. You can use templates to develop yourself. :slight_smile:

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I am trying to have a realistic environment c:

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Ok, look for models online. Some examples of these (furniture, tools, home…)

Thanks for the useful tip! :+1: