So theres the script:
local turret = script.Parent – The turret part that rotates
local bullet = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(“TheBullet”) – Replace with the actual bullet part name
local targetPart = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(“targetcenterpart”) – Replace with the actual target part name
local targetAttachment = targetPart:FindFirstChild(“Attachment”) – Ensure an attachment is added to the targetPart
local spreadAngle = 0.5 – Minimal spread for more accurate shots
local bulletSpeed = 150 – Realistic bullet speed (for example, rifle bullet)
local maxForce =, 5000, 5000) – Realistic max force for projectile movement
– Max distance before bullet is destroyed
local maxBulletDistance = 100 – Max distance the bullet can travel before being destroyed
– Function to handle bullet collision with target part or attachment
local function onBulletHit(other)
– Check if the bullet touches either the target part or the target attachment
if other.Parent == targetPart or other == targetAttachment then
– Destroy the bullet upon collision
other:Destroy() – Destroy the bullet part
while true do
if targetAttachment and bullet then
– Get the exact center of the targetPart (from the attachment’s world position)
local targetPosition = targetAttachment.WorldPosition
-- Calculate the direction from the turret to the target center (attachment)
local direction = (targetPosition - turret.Position).Unit
-- Apply slight random spread to the direction to make it more realistic (minimal spread)
local spreadX = math.random(-spreadAngle, spreadAngle) * 0.01
local spreadY = math.random(-spreadAngle, spreadAngle) * 0.01
local spreadZ = math.random(-spreadAngle, spreadAngle) * 0.01
local spreadDirection = direction +, spreadY, spreadZ)
-- Rotate the turret to face the target center (attachment's world position)
turret.CFrame =, targetPosition)
-- Clone the bullet and set its initial position at the turret
local clone = bullet:Clone()
clone.Position = turret.Position
clone.Anchored = false -- Ensure the bullet is not anchored
clone.CanCollide = true -- Enable collision if necessary
-- Create a BodyVelocity to control the bullet's movement
local bodyVelocity ="BodyVelocity")
bodyVelocity.MaxForce = maxForce -- Apply reasonable force to keep the bullet from flying too far
bodyVelocity.Velocity = spreadDirection * bulletSpeed -- Set the velocity direction and speed
bodyVelocity.Parent = clone
-- Connect the Touched event to detect collisions with the target part or attachment
-- If the bullet hits the target part or the target attachment, destroy the bullet
if hit.Parent == targetPart or hit == targetAttachment then
clone:Destroy() -- Destroy the bullet part
-- Parent the bullet to the workspace
clone.Parent = game.Workspace
-- Add the bullet to Debris to automatically clean up after 5 seconds
game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(clone, 5)
-- Prevent the bullet from flying too far by checking its distance
local startPosition = clone.Position
while clone and clone.Parent do
-- Check the distance between the bullet and its starting position
if (clone.Position - startPosition).Magnitude > maxBulletDistance then
clone:Destroy() -- Destroy the bullet if it travels too far
I can see bullets are touching the targetpart but they arent disappearing for some reason. Yes I tried printing through output if targetpart was touched and when random item is touched. And in result it only says when random part is touched (including the targetcenterpart) but not the targetpart itself. What do I do?