My button system is not working

Hey there! I am having trouble with my small system, I would like to get some help & feedback for solve this out.
Here is my script from a system that when clicking on a part (with a clickdetector, so a button) it activates some stuff, here’s my code & screenshot of the model organization:

local part = script.Parent
local clickDetector = part:WaitForChild("ClickDetector")

local function onClick()
    print("Part clicked! Do something here.")


-- Connect the onClick function to the ClickDetector's MouseClick event

Captura de pantalla 2023-11-23 a las 20.35.15

The problem is that when I click on the part, nothing happens… I would really appreciate any help, thanks!

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Do you get any errors in the console?

are you sure this isn’t printing anything
there’s nothing wrong with your script

I tried this in studio, and it works for me. Make sure you’re close enough to the part, and try increasing MaxActivationDistance inside the ClickDetector’s properties.

And by the way you said “activates some stuff” but all it’s scripted to do is print to the console

You need to put the script inside the ClickDetector for it to work.

Then, your code would have to look something like this:

local clickDetector = script.Parent
local part = clickDetector.Parent

local function onClick()
    print("Part clicked! Do something here.")


-- Connect the onClick function to the ClickDetector's MouseClick event

Honestly I would prefer to do this method

local Clicker = script.Parent


Make sure to put the script under the clickdetector!

I don’t know what to do.
There’s nothing wrong with the scripts.
(just tested the script)

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