Hello! I made this so do you want to review it? Free - Roblox
'ello. I’ve tried the game, no offense or anything but it’s really plain. I’d recommend adding lights, maybe NPC’s, or something for the player to do. Add some grass outside and make a spawn point near the door. Make a road connected with a parking lot. Make it look more in real life like. Hopefully this gave you an idea of what to add. Looks good so far, good luck!
I like the design, however it is very basic and plain. Some tips I have are:
- Add a spawn point near the door.
- Create an outside environment, for example a car park, outdoor seating area, maybe even leisure such as a pool if that’s the setting you’re going for.
- Add more than basic chairs inside of the cafe. I’d suggest adding wall decorations and kitchen decorations. You can also add trinkets such as a newspaper stand and things like that.
- Spruce up the exterior building like adding boarders to windows, flower beds, etc).
Edit 1: Grammar error.
Edit 2: If you are stuck look at references.
I’m adding thing Tyler said… So there will be more
Just visited again and I love the improvements! Also, the bottom floor wood layer is way too high and clips into the top of the table and the blur is a little bit jarring, but other than that great work!
Thank you so much! I will fix this soon
Hi, I’m an interior designer in real life and I have to say that it is really poor work. I’m not hating don’t worry. But this place is really boring for the players.
If I can recommend you something, there are some tips:
Ceiling light - Visually It will fill up all of the rooms.
Plants - Plants are giving more life to the interior.
Wall decorations: Such as decorated semi walls and pictures.
More areas: Your place is more like one area of chairs. Try to split it into chairs, sofas, lounge, etc.
Try to add more detailed framing for the windows.
Also add some signs with some text, like the name of your group, area naming, etc.
To the outdoor area, add some railing and plants.
Some small decorations on the table such a small plant, candle, table cloth.
That might be all for now, I could add more things, but these are the most important
I hope this will help you out!
Good progress at the start. I don’t like the layout of the place it seems to cluttered and tight looking consider moving the second floor up a bit I feel like the bottom area is tight adding different shapes could possibly improve it you’ve created for the cafe and it’s clear that your still improving it. With that said, as a cafe that seems in early development, there are not a lot of objects that resemblance a cafe a few things that could be improved.
First and foremost, the cafe looks alright, The color scheme seems a bit off a wooden ceiling doesn’t seem to match with the build and color the thing about cafes is the bottom area shouldn’t be tight and closed while the top area has open space and it’s not closed?
I would definitely suggest adding some interior - exterior signage to your cafe, so players know exactly what the building represents as well as making it look more professional in a kinda of way. I would add chairs, tables, signs, variety of plants to cover the empty parts of the terrain, adding more could make it less empty, try filling it up with a bunch of decorations. These are just a few things that you could take into consideration.
Remove the square windows on the top area add grids to it doesn’t look like a opened window and place some hanging lights chandelier. I feel like the ceiling and walls could use more detail on it consider adding some pictures, clocks, and much more throw a bunch of decorations in the cafe it would look really good if you added more into the cafe itself, looking at images could help you as a guide.
Overall, it’s coming together it just needs some refining.
Will give a few specific things you may want to modify or fix, more from a design aspect.
First off, the chairs are a bit high, or the tables are a bit low. My leg goes through it.
The chairs and tables go right through the floor on the first floor as well.
I’d maybe have these lights be neon to appear on, or remove the cones coming out of them.
There’s a bit of z fighting on the front here.
The grass goes through the sidewalk here.
Finally, this staircase spans the entire wall which is a bit unrealistic. Maybe have it as a floating staircase, you should also add a railing.
Overall, it’s a bit plain of a build. There’s quite a bit of z fighting outside which I hadn’t mentioned.
I will give a few ideas for you to start off:
- Parasols outside.
- Seating variety, maybe a coffee table with some comfortable chairs around it.
- TVs?
- Radio?
- Maybe some food or laptops?
- Condiments or salt and pepper?
Regardless, I believe this build does have potential! Take some advice from me and the others and it will make your build stunning.
Good luck!
The game looks a lot better. Also, the chairs, tables, and the front desk are so small. Maybe try adding a Roblox model to get the size correctly. Other than that, nothin else needs to be fixed. Good luck!
Thank you so much for the feedback.