My car shakes around uncontrollably

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

I want to create vehicles for my game and they will be using a constraint system for steering and moving the wheels unless theres an easier way lemme know

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

my issue is that my car shakes uncontrollably i tried using a different body but its still the same problem. and it look to be the steering system thats giving me my problems
Video here

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

I feel like ive looked at 100 different posts but none seem to help, ive found other posts with people having the same issue but with no answer.

ive also tried changing and messing with the properties of everything so see if i could get it to work but i just cant figure it out.

and im also like 99% sure the wheels arnt coliding with any of the body parts either

After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you!

this is the script im using to control the wheels and such

local seat = script.Parent.VehicleSeat

local backleft = script.Parent.BackLeftWheel
local backright = script.Parent.BackRightWheel

local frontleft = script.Parent.FrontLeftWheel
local frontright = script.Parent.FrontRightWheel

local steerAngle = 25
local speed = 40

	frontleft.PartB.SteeringConstraint.TargetAngle = steerAngle * seat.Steer
	frontright.PartB.SteeringConstraint.TargetAngle = steerAngle * seat.Steer

	frontleft.Wheel.WheelConstraint.AngularVelocity = speed * seat.Throttle
	frontright.Wheel.WheelConstraint.AngularVelocity = speed * -seat.Throttle
	backleft.WheelConstraint.AngularVelocity = speed * seat.Throttle
	backright.WheelConstraint.AngularVelocity = speed * -seat.Throttle

the properties for my steering and wheel constraints are all consistent and the same throughout all four wheel constrains and the two steering constraints

thank you for reading any help would be appreciated! :smiley:

Try checking the Parts of the Car, they may be colliding with each other.

ive already looked through all of that and im like 99% sure thats not whats causing the issue. but ill still look over it again just to be sure

That might be the case, I’m not entirely sure however:

Screenshot (92)

The Back wheels appear to be fine, but not the front wheels

nope, i looked over it again and all the parts on the bottom have can collide off so they wouldnt be the issue and in that screenshot the wheel isnt actually touching anything in that position and all the parts around it have can collide turned off. i also have another vehicle giving me the same issue bouncing around like the truck