My car's plugin value isn't working

I don’t know how to start this but I’m working on a chassis plugin that turns off the car the moment the value is true. Problem is that the script doesn’t work and there’s no error on the Console giving me a idea of the problem. And yes I am using A-Chassis. The goal is to make the script turn off the car the moment a value in a character’s Folder is enabled.

local CharacterTest = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character

while true do
	if CharacterTest.Folder.TurnOffEngine.Value == true then
		script.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Value = false
		script.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Value = true

Can you tell me what:

And what kind of “Value” are you using, string value, integer value, bool value, etc.? (It could be because you are using the wrong value type).

hey, you can put it in the change function

if Value then
script.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Value = false
script.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Value = true

and remember, if you add scripts to the chassis, you must place them in the plugins folder

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