I created a flying sistem for roblox, it is working fine and smoothly, the only problem is walkgin faster indiagonal sinse I’m using BodyVelocity and 1-based inputs (multiplied by walkspeed) to define its velocity.
the final code, simplified, is like:
-- W A S D Space and Alt Keys gives valor 1 or -1 to x, y or z.
vel.Velocity = Camera.CFrame:VectorToWorldSpace(Vector3.new(x,y,z)) * Humanoid.WalkSpeed
But i just need to know what to do with this to simplify:
Vector3.new(x,y,z) * Humanoid.WalkSpeed
A BodyGyro is keeping it facing to the CameraCFrame.LookVector.
This makes the sum of vector * Humanoid.WalksPeed get a final velocity higher then Walkspeed in diagonal.
Here below is a graph of how the movement is working
Just .Unit it as we only care about the direction of the vector and not the magnitude caused by the pythagoras triangle thingy from the vector summation.
But then you also have to make sure you don’t .Unit (0,0,0) so we put a NanCheck for that
local function isnan(arg: any): boolean
return not rawequal(arg, arg)
local movementDirection = Camera.CFrame:VectorToWorldSpace(Vector3.new(x,y,z)).Unit
if isnan(movementDirection.X) then
vel.Velocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
vel.Velocity = movementDirection * Humanoid.WalkSpeed
Since you are working with Forces I recommend using PID instead to control the acceleration better to achieve a certain velocity.
Edit: Here is another method to measure movement direction and to do a NAN check
if walkDir.Magnitude > 0 then --(0, 0, 0).Unit = NaN, do not want
walkDir = walkDir.Unit --Normalize, because we (probably) changed an Axis so it's no longer a unit vector
This is the solution: multiply Vector.Unit by the clamped magnitude of the vector. This will not cut acceleration by using Unit. The only tiny detail left is that this will not avoid the acceleration in diagonal from beeing faster, but velocity will be clamped to your max velocity.
local function isnan(arg: any): boolean
return not rawequal(arg, arg)
local Vector = Camera.CFrame:VectorToWorldSpace(Vector3.new(x,y,z))
local Unit = Vector.Unit
if isnan(Unit.X) then
Unit = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
vel.Velocity = Unit * (math.clamp(Vector.Magnitude, 0, 1)) * FlySpeed.Value