My clamping function doesn't clamp to the boundry

Hey, I use the following script to snap my model to a grid:

function PlacementUtilities.snapToGrid(CFramePosition, grid, studs, rotation, modelSize)
	-- Unit Vectors for the grid's local axes
	local back =, -1, 0)
	local top =, 0, -1)
	local right =, 0, 0)

	-- Rotates the grid size to match the actual rotation of the grid.
	local gridCFrame = grid.CFrame * CFrame.fromMatrix(-back*grid.Size/2, right, top, back)

	-- Convert the model CFrame to grid space and gets the grid size rotation so we can match that to the model.
	local gridSpaceCFrame = grid.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(CFramePosition)
	local gridRotationSize = * right).magnitude, (grid.Size * top).magnitude)

	-- Rotate the size of model to match to surface.
	local fixedSize = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesYXZ(0, math.rad(rotation), 0) * modelSize
	fixedSize =, math.abs(fixedSize.Y), math.abs(fixedSize.Z))

	-- Distance from center for clamping the model to the edges of the grid.
	local distanceSize = (,gridRotationSize.Y) -, fixedSize.Z))/2

	local X, Z
	if BuildSystem.Clamping then
		X = math.clamp(gridSpaceCFrame.Position.X, -distanceSize.X, distanceSize.X)
		Z = math.clamp(gridSpaceCFrame.Position.Z, -distanceSize.Y, distanceSize.Y)
		X = gridSpaceCFrame.Position.X
		Z = gridSpaceCFrame.Position.Z

	-- Snap each component of the grid space position to the grid
	local snappedGridSpacePosition =
		math.sign(X) * (math.abs(X) - math.abs(X) % studs) + (distanceSize.X % studs),
		math.sign(Z) * (math.abs(Z) - math.abs(Z) % studs) + (distanceSize.Y % studs)
	-- Convert the snapped grid space position back to world space
	local snappedWorldSpacePosition = grid.CFrame:PointToWorldSpace(snappedGridSpacePosition)

	-- Return the adjusted position as a CFrame

As well as snapping to the grid, it ensures the model cannot exit the grid - but this particular feature has a minor issue.

Normal / Intended:
→ You face where it’s going to spawn.

The Bug
→ When facing this particular side, the clamping means I can’t place on the edge:

Would appreciate any help on why / how I can fix. Thank you in advanced!

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Hello! I hope this information will help you with smth!I know how is when you want to make a game,you dream and an error makes you lose your mind…:pray:

Here are some tips:

  1. Verify the model’s and the grid’s orientation: Verify the model’s and the grid’s proper orientation. The clamping may not work effectively if they are not aligned correctly;

  2. Modify the distanceSize calculation: The distanceSize calculation establishes the model’s clamping distance from the grid’s center. Verify the computation a second time to make sure the distance is being calculated accurately given the model size and grid rotation.

  3. Check that the clamping logic is appropriately clamping the X and Z locations inside the designated range by going over the clamping logic again. In order to verify the values of X and Z during the clamping process, you can include print statements or debug messages

  4. Try with various grid orientations and models: To determine if the problem still exists, try evaluating the snapping function with other models and grid orientations. This will assist you in figuring out whether the issue is unique to a certain model or grid arrangement,

  • Also, please carefully review your code.
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Thank you, but I did try chat GPT before devforum :sob:


Why did you send this photograph?

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try adding grid.size to the third arguement of math.clamp:
math.clamp(gridSpaceCFrame.Position.X, -distanceSize.X, distanceSize.X+grid.Size)

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