My code is all black, and it's hard to read!

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I want my code to go back to normal.

  2. What is the issue?
    My code is all black! This makes it difficult to read. It’s also having a few other strange issues like not putting an ‘end’ at the end of, let’s say, an if statement when I press enter.

The actual code doesn’t matter, it’s the fact that it’s all black!

  1. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I looked around for any new settings I may have ticked off on accident (this new UI and all). I also googled, but didn’t find anything.

Please help!

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Try closing your script and restarting your studio :slight_smile:
It worked for me

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If that did not work you can change font and color in studio just look it up.

Oof! Didn’t work… I even restarted my computer. Very confused. :confused:

Reinstall studio then i guess
Idk why it didnt work

This is weird, I encountered the same error but it’s was in blue, after restarting studio it’s should fix it.

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Also this should definitly go in #bug-reports:studio-bugs

Had the same problem 2 minutes ago, I reset the settings back to default and that worked for me. While studio is open, navigate to: File > Studio settings > Reset all settings

Alright. Makes sense now that you mention it.

I looked for it in the categories to see if I could move it, but it doesn’t show up. Does it have limited access or am I missing something?

I think it’s only for Regular+ which makes no sense but you can’t blame Forum Staff. Resetting your settings should work.

@achdef & @Giorgi311

Resetting my settings didn’t fix it… Seriously confused.

Gonna try reinstalling Studio. Wish me luck I guess.

Go to Files; Go to Studio Scripts (Or Scripts); Scroll down until you see “Color Text”; Change the color of what you have to the color you want.

If it didn’t change much, I have no idea how this was possible to make the text ALL BLACK.

I have the same issue right now, and anything you said couldn’t help.

I can change it to colors other than black, but the issue is it’s all one color. Changing things like number color didn’t even help.

Also, I mentioned in the topic it would seem it has other issues as well.

Oh, so if you want you can enable:

Everything except 6:

Enable temporary script tabs;
Enable temporary script tabs in explorer;
Autocomplete methods for plugin security;
Indent using spaces;
Text wrapping and Show Whitespace.

Sorry for the late response.

OK @everyone, I took a break and just came back to studio. Everything’s normal again. Thanks for trying to help, y’all!

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Roblox studio has been breaking then un un breaking lately