I have an code, that picks an random pet from given pets array. The pet’ rarity does have decimals. So, I have to multiply them. But it shouldn’t save it. I don’t know why but its changes given pet array for permanently. The N variable is for my extra luck system. When n = 1, there’s no problem. When is n over 1 there’s problem.
local Multiplier = 1
for _,Pet in Pets do
local split = string.split(tostring(Pet.Percentage), ".")
if split[2] ~= nil then
if 10 ^ string.len(split[2]) > Multiplier then
Multiplier = 10 ^ string.len(split[2])
for _,Pet in Pets do
local n = 2
Pet.Percentage = (Pet.Percentage * Multiplier) * n
code output:
on first time my pet’ rarity percentage: 800
on second time my pet’ rarity percentage: 1600
on third time my pet’ rarity percentage: 3200
desired output:
on first time my pet’ rarity percentage: 800
on second time my pet’ rarity percentage: 800
on third time my pet’ rarity percentage: 800
… (always same ^)
You are taking the value of the Pet.Percentage equal to 2 times itself. You should change the second Pet.Percentage to a base value, as you have mentioned, 800
I am assuming that you are trying to get random element from an array based on percent rarity.
Here more basic code for that.
--Example list of pets
local Pets = {
Name = "Dog",
Percent = 40,
Name = "Cat",
Percent = 30,
Name = "Bunny",
Percent = 20,
Name = "Fox",
Percent = 9.5,
Name = "Bull",
Percent = 0.5,
--The function that you need
function getRandomPet()
local p = math.random()
local cumulativeProbability = 0
for i, Pet in pairs(Pets) do
cumulativeProbability = cumulativeProbability + (Pet.Percent / 100)
if p <= cumulativeProbability then
return Pet
--Testing the function
local count = { }
local iterations = 5000000
for i=1,iterations do
local name = getRandomPet().Name
count[name] = (count[name] or 0) + 1
for name, count in pairs(count) do
print(name, count/iterations * 100)
Note: The total percent of elements must not excess 100