My Commision Rules ||

Hello, friend! :wave:

Welcome to my Commision Setup page!

Here I will provide the rules and ways of setting up a commision for me! Please read everything carefully and check before posting your request!

Commision Rules and Notes… | :open_book: :pencil2:

  • I do ask that you remember that I’m a normal person at the end of the day. Some days I have terrible motivation, and some I will be flooded with school-work or personal stuff, on those days I prefer to work less or no time at all.

  • I will not tolerate anyone who tries to scam me, anyone who does so will have a bad time, and you do not want to see that. ^-^

  • I ask that you pay me correctly for the time I spend(/t) working, I do end up spending a lot of time on little things and making sure everything functions as intended.

  • I will work for smaller budgets, but please be honest about the position you’re in. Do not abuse this as I will start to refuse it and it might hurt smaller creators.

When setting up a commision | :thought_balloon:

  • Please state your team, experience genere, what I will be doing, team Discord server (if you have one), payment and payment methods.