My creation called Big games

I created a game where I recreate many things (globally, I recreate the entire Roblox, but the chat is like Discord, and some of the games at the Big place are just recreations of known games) :

I started creating this two years ago, there is now 5,200 visits (and 6,600 at the Big place), but most of time, there is still 0 players. I know I need around 25 players to globally make all the multiplayer games working (it sometimes requires minimum 3 players), but it’s hard to reach.
I tried some ads (10 robux with sponsorisation, 5 robux with simple ads), but it didn’t helped (and I never gave money to Roblox, so I am not rich). I bought Premium after creating this thread.

The ad

The statistics says most of the players are french (because the main language of the game is french) and are new to Roblox. Because of that, I added informations about each games on the teleport screen, but the players still prefer leave.

There is not many bugs, the games are playable, there is many people that likes it, but still not many players. What should I do next ?

I asked a question about how I should advertise the game.


Update the ad, it doesn’t look too appealing and looks like old Roblox, I haven’t played the game, but I’ll be sure to check it out.


I think the ad is pretty decent. Although I would try to add more decorative fonts to the ad. The game is pretty good too! I think you did good on this!

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I only added the ad in my post to make you see faster what there is in my game (and the ad was working 4x better than the sponsorised games thing).

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Yeah, the font seems too oldish, ya know? Also, I think he should use blender renders in his ad.

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For the moment, I didn’t got any feedback about the game…

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It is a good game but I have only one criticism. I think the tutorial place should just be a gui and not blocks with text on it.


Big Games is already Taken. I would not use that name unless you want to be sued or have it taken down.

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I don’t see any others games called “Big games”, I know there is a group with this name but it’s not a game.
And the main version of the game is french (and the name is “Grands jeux”).

The game was created a year ago and nobody said I should rename the game.


Yes but it is a group and not a game, also as you saw the original name was in french, it was just translated to english.

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Alright well I hope you don’t have any troubles and good luck it looks good.

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I replaced the welcome place to a new welcome animation at the Big place.
I also added rewards for players if they invite their friends.

I did a social experiment mostly working for children and useful to get comments from people : each time the player’s cursor goes too close to a border of the screen, it goes back to the center until they answer my question that was what they think about the game (I have put some emojis buttons for the children that don’t want to type or that are not allowed to).

The result is that all my friends says it’s good, but else, most of them think it’s bad (a :-1:, two :rage:, a :star:, and a positive comment, all from different people).

Other statistics datas: most of the players are children or my friends; most of those children goes to the Big place then leave.

What should I do? Maybe bringing back the tutorial place but better and explaining the GUI elements ? Or just not count children’s opinions ?

Obviously count children’s opinions, they are your main demographic. Make a tutorial, and make. It more appealing to them (less textures).

I made the tutorial place come back but better (just a button to move the camera, more informations about the GUI elements).

I am no longer poor and I have the robux to make big advertisements.
So in the game, there will be an event soon (the BG battles, a copy of the RB battles) and there will be in-game items to earn that I want to put on advertisements. But I need help for how to spend my 10,000 robux (I have more if needed) between:

  • The main game, using sponsorisation;
  • The main game, using (3?) skyscraper ads;
  • Skyscraper ads for 5 other games, all redirecting to my main game.

I was thinking about 1,000 robux for each of the small games, 2,000 robux for sponsoring the main game, and 3,000 robux for the main game. All during one day.

What do you think and how can I make this better ?

What do you think?
  • The number of robux is good
  • You need more robux
  • You should use less robux
  • Putting all in a single day is good
  • You should split for multiple days

0 voters

Teleporter games ads

2,000 robux; 500 robux; 1,000 robux; 1,000 robux; 500 robux.
2,000 robux 500 robux 1,000 robux 1,000 robux 500 robux

Main game ads

500 robux; 1,000 robux; 1,000 robux; 500 robux.

The advantage of making low-quality ads is that nobody else will steal it.

People may believe your game was hacked if you do this.