My decal isn't loading after being approved and waiting for months

Hi, for some weird reason all my group decals that were uploaded after 12/6/2021 aren’t being loaded in-game.

One example is this decal uploaded in 2021:
RobloxiaIcon - Redbyte Studios


I’ve tried re-uploading it but it’s useless since all the new decals just don’t load in-game for some reason, any ideas of what it could be?
(EDIT) My friend tried using the decal on his game it also didn’t load so… I really have no idea of what to do.

(EDIT) Some photos:

It’s probably due to your internet, for me it’s loading perfectly.

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It also loads perfectly for me on web, but not in-game.

Can you explain further how you try to load them into your game? What are you using to load them? Are you using a decal from the properties menu, or an image label, or a script?

I’ve tried using a decal and putting “rbxassetid://8192701149”, same for the ImageLabel, it just doesn’t load. Loads the decals that I upload to my account or I get from the toolbox but not the decals that I upload to the group.

Using “” instead works.

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