The game as you can see is called The Dumb Obbys and it’s a Demo so you know incomplete things not so polished
This will be for now a single player game where you will progressively progress towards other levels or calls here “Dumb Obbys” you will need to complete an obby first to continue advancing,These will be selected in a menu when entering the game.
The Obbys are of different themes and hide secrets bagdes (btw these can be seen in the menu)
Also be ‘‘Dumb Bonus Obby’’ which will be secret obbys that can be found anywhere in the obby
Also the obbys contain different Dumb NPCs that you can interact with, Settings an optimization for mobile (this one has some limitations but at least it works) and Traduction for each location (How could you see that everything is translated into Spanish)
Well, that’s as far as my feed goes I guess lol
This game may not be that great and I’m not a very experienced developer but while I was creating it I learned a lot of things so I hope you like it if you can leave any suggestions