hello! this is my upcoming earth which will serve as like you know on the maps they have locations? basically there will be dots on the planet telling you where the locations are and a gui displaying which one you are at. let me know what you guys think
This Earth looks VERY good! Nice job on it! How did you make it? How long did it take to create? What game will it be in?
the earth didn’t take that long, it will be in my new upcoming game called baconeys adventures
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Dang, that’s so cool and realistic looking! I legitimately dont know you made it, but it still looks great!
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thanks man, by using the suns direction in lighting, i made it so when it faces the sun, the atmosphere goes red, if facing away then blue. tried to make it as accurate as possible
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oops, i meant i use a part to do it but the sun in lighting still works