My Experiments with Sponsored and User Ads

Putting all ages and devices would not simply give you more clicks. If you did that, lets say you got 50K impressions, only those who are interested (Ex: those who are 13+) would only click your ad, while those who are not won’t play, But If you narrow your audience down (Ex: only 13+), then you would get maybe 40K impressions but they would be more interested in playing and could offer more visits. In simple words, If you were selling a toy, selling a toy to a old man would not be very effective. but selling toys ONLY to kids will be more effective.

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Hey thanks for the explanation!, so I have a doubt what if I made a sponsor of 400 bobux, will it show the same amount of ads for different devices, for example it will show 10,000 to mobile and another 10,000 to pc and like that for other console?, and also I have a hard time finding a choice between sponsor and ads some say ads are good some say sponsor are good? What do you think about it? Give your opinions! And also for sim game which age I mostly target upon as I am making a sim game!

There’s no one such device that would fit every game. The best scenario would be running more ads for a prolonged period of time and checking monetization and engagement breakdowns by the platform.

I’ve been trying to make an ad, I go to the dashboard and click on user ads but it brings me here.

Do you know what I’m doing wrong?

Different devices varies. Normally i would go to my game page. click the 3 dots near the play buttion and it should appear, If not then go to the create hub and try looking there.

Banner ads are mostly dead now, especially since with ad blockers now. Sponsor ads is way to go nowadays. Also your budget is a bid, there’s no price that gives a exact amount of impressions.

Your ads will likely get less impressions in days that few people play roblox (school days mostly) or If there’s a lot of sponsor ad competition.

If there isnt other sponsor ads for competition or if its a day where people are at home then your ads will give more impressions.

Also, There is more Mobile users than PC users in roblox, so you could get more impressions for mobile users. But it depends on the game as where I explained in my last post. Your 400 budget is very low since it can not be divided for a smaller budget for test ads so i suggest spending it wisely.

I want to gather fans before the game releases, that way I can have some players on release is there a way to sponsor groups?

Sponsored ads have always been my preference. They’re very effective if your game looks interesting. And remember, banner ads are blocked by ad blockers! … and a lot of people have ad blockers lol

Personally, I don’t think adblockers are the biggest issue with User Ads. For me, it’s the fact that you can’t properly target them, so a pony dressing game ad will be shown to 17+ guys and you get no stats about conversions, so you have no clue how well it actually performs.

Basically, User Ads are bad in every imaginable way, unless you create a very high CTR image and get more clicks than you would from sponsors.

On other news, I’m currently working on my second game and ran a couple of ad campaigns to see how my goofy icon performs. The game is not yet properly optimized for mobile or consoles, so I’m only left with PC. Results… Are okay-ish. Conversion is better than they were in the previous game (0.01-0.02% on PC), CTR could be better, but I know my icon art isn’t the greatest and plan to hire a good artist for some test versions.

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hey as i have said it is a example

and btw what if i don’t do any sponsor and ads, will i still get players(Luck), or it would just go in dust?

Depends on a game, icon, name and, well, luck. If it’s a good game, then it is possible to get the ball rolling organically (post about it in forums, Youtube, Tiktok, get player feedback, improve), otherwise… You need to get lucky with Roblox search algorithm and get ranked high with some keywords that people are actually searching for.

Problem is, that you rank higher in search when you have more players :slight_smile:

My bad for not reading properly, but yeah thats what happens if you had a 400 budget. Also before running these test ads, My game gotten 2-3 Concurrent players because most of them came from searches. I tried getting free Youtubers but only end up with 100-1k views and gave little to no visits.

If you want your game to have high search visits. I recommend having lots of key words in your description. Not by putting tags but a long but informative game description.

I just ran a couple of CONSOLE ONLY sponsor ads.

The 13-16 age user audience brings in 190K impressions per day, while the 17+ gave only 110K impressions in 1 day. both were taken in weekends. This makes me believe that you will get more impressions/clicks by sponsoring to a younger console audience because there is more of them than there are 17+ users. Now there are several factors that could cause this, perhaps less people were on roblox when the 17+ ad was running, or more ad competition, but I do not think that would cause a big 80K impression difference, however I could be wrong.

I also ran a 3rd test ad. A mix of 13-16 and 17+ age sponsor test and I gotten less impressions per day compared to the 13-16 age sponsor ad. Despite this, all 3 test ads were successful and made me a good chunk of profit. :smiley_cat:

Although this topic is about @SnoutUpDev experiments, I hope you don’t mind me posting my experiments aswell.

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did a random sponsor cause I was bored. (I put on worst settings purposely to see how much visits I’ll still get)

The more data from various experiments - the better! It’s very interesting to see how different configurations perform.


I ran a couple more tests on different platforms, now that the game is available everywhere. Tried screenshot-y icon, which kind of sucks (low contrast, a bit confusing, character not cool enough) and the results reflect that I think.

I have a feeling that latest console UI changes and PS5 release might’ve impacted console-targetted sponsorships, because even ~5CPP is really high compared to what I’d get before OR my store looks worse than my other game. Sad if true.

Today I started some tests with a new icon below, but early CTR was so bad (50% worse on mobile, 30% worse on consonle), that I got spooked and switched the icon mid-campaign.

Might be placebo or the low amount of data, but the change already bumped values by a significant amount. Mobile CTR went from 1.5% to 2.2%, but I’m well aware how violatile low-robux campaigns can be.

I’ve already started a few more campaigns with new icon and thumbnail, so tomorrow will have some clearer data.


I just put 5000R$ in my all out phone sponsor ad. Splited it into 2 days, I got a 3%CTR in test ads. I also checked Romonitor to see how much players are playing roblox. let’s see how it goes… :slightly_frowning_face:

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i lost money, ima go retire now forever.

I tried the new sponsoring system and can’t decide if I like it more or less. Being forced to spend at least $20 is not pleasant, but I do prefer not having to buy robux for it (since my games are not earning enough for advertising). It doesn’t spread the impressions around all 24 hours, which in my case resulted in ads running for about 12h and higher CCU during that time (40-50).

This is targetting male desktop players of all the ages with $0.02 bid.

There’s some shady rounding going on, because in reality CPP is like $0.019 and they still show $0.01