My fictional Chinese jet fighter: the kaisengdu J-13

What are you working on currently?: I had been working on a fictional Chinese jet fighter called the Kaisengdu J-13.

Fictional History: as a result of deterioration relations between the USSR and the PRC, china needed a new generation of jet fighters that can compete with not only with Soviet jets, but also US and NATO jets if war was to break out. ten of the twelve companies submitted their design proposals on the 5th may 1976, only four of the twelve companies were selected to proceed with their jet projects, Nanchang focused on a swing wing fighter in the style of the Mig-23, Shenyang decided to build a canard interceptor for intercepting bombers from either the USA or USSR, Chengdu developed a new lightweight fighter jet to compete with US and Soviet fighters, and lastly the Kaisengdu aircraft corporation was developing a lightweight fighter in the style of the F-16.

As the fly off competition was expected, Kaisengdu aircraft corporation threw all it’s weight on the project called “J-13” (NATO codename: vampire), this is the first time that a new Chinese aircraft corporation developed in built a F-16 lookalike Jet that was to surpass the Soviet union in future wars which sadly to the Chinese never happened. But when the jet fighter jet was finished in October the 7th 1977, the Chinese air force staff were both impressed and skeptical about the jet.
On the 2nd of march 1978, the j-13 prototype made it’s maiden flight for the first time.

Now the staff were both impressed and delighted to see the plane take off gracefully in the air as the test pilot reports that the aircraft flew like a charm. Upon finishing the test program, the j-13 prototype was put through it’s paces when it entered the air force type testing and evaluation center for weapons trials, avionics trials and more.

After the trials and evaluation tests, it was put into production and service by late August 1979, it was used as a fighter and attack aircraft for the defence of china’s northwest sector.

Here are some pictures of my jet.


Keep in mind that this story is solely fictional.