My first 3D Model Top Hat

Hello everyone, I wanted to share this topic because I have just finished my first 3D Model Top Hat! This is my first 3d model hat that I ever created & I am so glad I did it.

I have exported my top hat into roblox studio & it looks like this image I think I did a pretty great job!

For my blender version it looks like this I have added some lights so it would not stay to dark. image

Please give me some feedback to make my 3D models better.

Thank you for reading :smiley: have a great day!


It looks great for your first model! If you continue parcticing you’ll probably become a pro at this. Great job!

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I like the simplicity! (30chars jfjdndndndn)

Looks nice! I think it’d be even better with more polygons, but if you were going for a low-poly look then its great!

Looks good for a first, I thought one of the faces was invisible but nvm.

The faces are quite blocky. It looks fine, it’d take me about a minute to make something like this but for you maybe a lot longer. Good job

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This looks really nice! Here are some suggestions/recommendations to improve your hat. I would suggest applying an auto smooth of some sort unless your style is to go for flat faces. I really like the hat for a first model! It’s a nice and simplistic thing that isn’t overly complex like a car, character or building. Hope to see you post more content soon! :slight_smile:

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It is good and simple.
I like that

Good start to your 1st model. I see you have great potential in this, nice job!