My First Armor Piece Clothing I've Made!

I’ve been making Roblox Clothing for 8 months now (2020 7 Months, 2021 2 Months) and I want to expand and try different styles of clothing. This is my first time making such a piece WAY out of comfort zone.

I would really appreciate feedback and/or thoughts about my first piece from the community and the designer community. If I should pursue this genre and if you would potentially order from me.

1st armor practice

If curious, (My usual style of clothing to see the jump difference)

Space Suit wip kimono2

ANY feedback is welcome. I’m here to improve!


Wow. Your usual style is amazing and so it the armor piece. I really like it.


Wow, looks great. I could have never made that but I would suggest to remove the grey things on the pants. Other then that, it is all good.


I like how its simple yet the color fading makes it quite cool.


Hey, I like your armor clothing! And, if it’s okay?! I would like to talk to you! On discord, if you may give me your discord “Username” and “tag” and, we could talk about the armor clothing! If, your okay with it though message me back! When you can.

Thank you,


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Sure, Aocule#2021 is my discord

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Okay, I’ll go send you a friend request on discord now! So, my username and tag on there is: joshgamer11009#7318 so, I’ll go friend you now.

just, sent you an friend request on there.

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That looks really cool. Good job man. :clap:

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This is great, love the texture. Keep up the great work!!!

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