My first blender mesh, an apple with 7232 Tris. Is this too much?

I build my first blender model by watching this video.

It is an apple I intend to use in my game. It has 7232 Tris and 3616 faces. I am new to 3d modeling but I guess the tris number is too much in Roblox for an apple.

The apple in the game shall be as big as Humanoid but without physical contact. Just for show.

If the tris count is too much, what I should learn next to lower its Tris?

By the way: me and my apple :slight_smile:


I think maybe too much, considering that the apple should also be the size of your hand, instead of as tall as you, unless you’re make a game where everything is big.

It looks good enough to each, though.

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The apple looks really nice!

(By the way, I think this belongs in #help-and-feedback:building-support)


It will be this big in the game. I add this information in the post.

I guess I will then search low poly apple in youtube and try some other way.

First post about art and building here. I don’t really understand the difference. I am more a scripter.

I will try to move post to building-support

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There are two ways you can lower tris if you want.

First Way
Go to edit mode
Press a to select all
Right-click and there should be an option for limited dissolve, click on it.

To your left corner, you may drag to the right to dissolve the vertices more, or to the left adding slightly more vertices.

Second Way
Go to object mode
Find this blue screw
Screen Shot 2020-10-08 at 1.38.38 PM
This is known as a modifier tab, very useful.
Click on add modifier, find decimate.
Now drag to the left to decrease the apple more.

I prefer the first way, but you can also manually lower tris,but it takes longer

You could decimate geometry but it may ruin the appearance of the apple.

Thanks! That’s very detailed solution, I shall try both :smiley:

I recommend using an isosphere, and bulking it up so it’s “nearly” circular. I think I used to go with 5-10 sub divisions, and then shade smooth

That is if you want to make your apple’s topology look like garbage.

Im guessing another way is just to make another apple but just less tris. Another solution is using the decimate modifier but I wouldn’t rely on that too much because it makes the polygons on the model weird.

Yeah decimate is like really unpreferred, because blender takes randomized vertices and remove them, which can make the apple look quite deformed.


Yeah icosphere with subdivisions is actually a good idea, you can also use subdivision modifier and add segments, but shade smooth usually clears up any edgy parts, especially for an apple.