My first build project

Hey, this is my first post. I’ve recently been watching a lot of speed builds, build tutorials etc…
I came across this one idea on youtube, a ‘Room Design’ video. I like designing rooms in real life, and i often scroll through pinterest to find a design that works for me in real life. So, i used the internet and found a design i liked. Stupidly, i didn’t save the source, where i got the inspiration from. But here.
I only used meshes from the toolbox for - The roses,The Carpet (looking back, i could’ve just made that myself…) and the curtains.

game link- Build Showcase - Roblox
Builders - I’d love to hear your tips, and some constructive criticism!


Very nice work! Maintains the modern theme throughout the build. 8 / 10 because of the free models but over all, nice work!

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Thanks for the feedback! - I will definitely reduce the amount of free models once i learn how to become more of an advanced builder :slight_smile:

Yeah - everyone starts somewhere! I’ve been developing for 3 years on Roblox and didn’t learn how to build until just over a month ago!

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Very nice work here. Would this be open as a showcase people could view in game?

it’s not currently but i will do it right now :slight_smile: !

edit - its now included in the post, check it out if you’d like :slight_smile:

Beautiful work here. Love the modern style and lighting. Looking forward to seeing this in a game.

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