My first building!

I’ve been modeling for a long time and working on a game with a lot of modeling and buildings to make so I tried my best at making a simplistic one. If you are a fan of HxH you might remember this, give feedback on improvements etc.

Also where can i find lowpoly textures like (Third Picture)



It’s really good! Being a first building, you have made it pretty good!

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Looks Great! as for your question I am not sure where you can find textures, but you can always make your own textures in paint 3d or something like that.


You are very good building.

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Really, but really good start! There are not too many details, so It kept that cartoony look, I mean It is perfectly balanced.
The only thing I would recommend (If you’re not using a texture) to add roof tiles! It will look incredibly good on this building :slight_smile:
Goodluck, buddy!

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This is my first blender construction.

Please give me some advice.

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add more shapes, use subdivide if you want more realistic look and keep practicing try and make a sword or something.

I love the style, keep it up! :slight_smile:

Here search your texture

This is my second construction.

Give me tips to try to improve the house.

maybe edit mode > vertices > and add more vertices

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