My first ever build

Recently I’ve wanted to get into building a bit more, so I looked up “city building” on google images and started working on it.

This is my first ever build so I had no idea what I was doing, tips are highly appreciated!


Wow… this is your FIRST build? It’s stunning, the only feedback I have is do an interior.


Looks great. Remember to keep the parts count as low as possible. Another tip: keep things organized in folders and name the parts, if anything needs to be scripted. :smiley:

Ok maybe not the best tips, I am a very un-talended builder. :smiley: I can only script.

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Its really not bad for a first time build, I like the coffee shop build that you’ve made, with details and depth from the outer sides. And, as a builder, I see a good potential in you. Good job! :slight_smile:

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This build is really great by itself, but would flourish with interior though. Although I can understand you are a beginner, but I’m budging that this is your first build. Nonetheless, a great job indeed.

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That looks very good for your first build! It seems like there is no roof though, try making one for this building.

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Awesome build… keep working at it!! My only major critique is the width of the brick gets wider with the second and third floors… keep it the same, so that the windows remain larger on those floors too, and that way the entire building keeps the modern feel of the first floor.

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First??? you must have has SOME expereincr before right?? Great job!

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