My first ever GFX (which one better?)

Alright so this time I wanted to make a logo with a 3D roblox character in it so yeah

I made two of them so please tel mel which one is better.



Any feedback or suggestions are appreciated and will help me improve.
Liked the post tysm means a lot to me!


I like the latter icon.
However, I feel unsatisfactory in the background.

I can agree with @TaTsuDaYo about the background. It does not seem to fit the icon. Maybe add a blurred out image of whatever game it would be the icon of as the background.


I love the second one. The top one seems more simple but if your looking to make a simulator the bottom stands out

Yeah but this was not for a game so I just chose a random background.

both are pretty good, however:

  1. for the second image, make the “pirates life” text bigger, it seems a bit too small
  2. try aligning the “release!” text within the box it is in since it looks like its facing the end of the image a bit too much


put it closer to the center of the red box

other than that its pretty solid for a first gfx, I would pick the second one

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I will try to make a better one I’ll probably add a game picture for the background.

Or just import the game model for the scene in blender yeah.

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I think it’s a good idea to use a game photo as a background.
I wish you good luck :slight_smile:

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