My first ever mesh - Feedback

So today i learned to use blender.
I made 2 meshes of a box-one normal, and one crushed.
Rate them! And also give me feedback.
and also, the mesh files
box1.obj (5.3 KB)
box2.obj (5.6 KB)
Please credit me if you use these.


Nice! Just a quick question, what did you use as a reference? Or is this just something you did from memory?

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I just made this on my own.
I thought a box would be good for my game lol.
No reference.

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Wow! Nice job!
Those are the best boxes I have seen all day!

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They look awesome, I wish I could model that well. Also, the crushed box has a weird line in the middle, maybe you can make it disappear? Other than that, amazing!


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Seems very good! Keep it up, maybe work a bit more on the squished one but overall very good.

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the crushed one has z-clipping, caused by the sculpt tool i used. but other than that, no one will actually examine them that closely!
i am great at roblox pyscology, but other than that, heres a leak for what they are used in!

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We’ll see about that… When does your game release? :smirk:

New Mission Acquired: Examine @Rhodizites boxes closely
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nice use of a really trashy lighting engine (roblox’s fault)

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may not, prob wont because the proximityprompts arent working how i want them to. (i mean like, textlabels are literally ganging up on me)

I’ll be waiting… Those boxes will be examined!

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How would you rate the lighting

  • Utter garbage
  • Poor quality
  • Bad
  • Meh
  • Mild
  • Effortful
  • Good

0 voters

It’s probably 8.5/10 but in terms of overall visuals - not your fault, roblox’s limited engine bottlenecking your skill - probably more like a 6/10.

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