Hello! I hope everyone is having a pleasant holiday.
Today I was bored and tried to see if I could come up with a “gfx” in Studio, I was hesitant to try and render in blender so my MacBook doesn’t overheat. I actually got ok results:
It’s a little blank because I might use this for my Youtube channel that I will create in the future, so that’s room for socials, etc. I may or may not try this again, but please give me feedback if you want!
Note: The skybox and trees are not made by me. Trees credit go to: @FIorentius
Hello. I think for you first GFX creation you did a very good job. I think you could improve it by making the player a little closer to the camera and then add more items in the background. Great job for your first one. Have a great day.
I need room for my channel name and socials, as I said. Thats why the camera is also not as close.
It’s supposed to be a mountain forest, that’s why I chose that skybox, but thanks for your feedback!
Hello - @stqrrydev! You should use a rig, there are plenty tutorials on how to do so! This will allow you to pose, and make it look good! - Alongside that you should also implement some better lighting, and turn on denoising!!!
The ground cuts off to the skybox too quickly. You need depth to your scene. Something like a cliff, or bushes would work out. The scene could also focus more on the car and the person. As @macOSX_RobloxApp mentioned before me, lighting, and using a rig are some good ideas too.
For a first GFX design, it’s pretty good though. This is where many GFX designers start.
@coreful and @macOSX_RobloxApp this was made in Roblox Studio
But thank you for your suggestions! I’ll try to remake this relatively soon. Rigging is not possible in Studio, as far as I know. I kinda rushed it and skipped some things I was gonna do. So, I’ll do grass, try to add more depth, and I will use Fib3. (Future Lighting) Unfortunately that’s as high quality as I can get, denoising/rendering is not an option either yet
Edit: On topic view, it looks blurry, but click on the photo and it should open into the larger view, the quality looks fine